研究了4H-pyrans,fulvenes,siloles等环状多烯结构的小分子荧光染料在溶液,固态及薄层层析板上的荧光发射行为.与大多数传统的荧光染料小分子不同,这些多烯类荧光染料分子在稀溶液中基本没有荧光,而在聚集态下呈现非常明亮的荧光发射,同时伴随着荧光量子效率的大幅提高(聚集诱导发光).它们在薄层层析板上也具有很强的荧光发射.但当薄层层析板暴露于有机溶剂气氛下,荧光消失,离开有机溶剂气氛,荧光恢复,这一可逆过程并可多次重复.在固体状态,它们的荧光发射与聚集态结构密切相关.通过从无定型态到结晶态以及从一种结晶态到另一种结晶态的变化,可以有效的调节它们的固体荧光发射.“,”Chromophoric cyclic polyenes including 4H-pyrans, fulvenes, and siloles are designed and synthesized.Unlike “conventional” luminescent molecules, these polyenes are practically nonemissive when molecularly dissolved, but become highly luminescent with a dramatic increase in emission efficiency when aggregated (hence “aggregation-induced emission” or ALE). Upon exposure to solvent vapors, their emissions on TLC plates are quenched but become visible again when the vapors are removed. This process is reversible and can be repeated many times. Their emissions can also be tuned by changing their packing patterns such as from crystalline to amorphous state or from one crystal form to another crystal form.