1月4日-13日新四军军部及所属皖南部队共9000余人奉命北移,在茂林地区遭国民党顽军7个师的围攻,“皖南事变”发生。新四军广大指战员虽经浴血奋战七昼夜,但终因弹尽粮绝,除2000余人突出重围外, 一部分被俘,大部分壮烈牺牲。军长叶挺与顽军谈判被扣,项英遇害。皖南事变是蒋介石密令掀起的第二次反共高潮。事变发生后,中共中央立即领导全党全军在政
January 4 to January 13, a total of more than 9,000 troops from the Fourth Army and the southern Anhui Army were ordered to move northwards. They were besieged by seven divisions of the Kuomintang in the area of Maolin, and the “incident in southern Anhui” took place. Although the majority of commanders and soldiers of the New Fourth Army have fought bloody battles for seven days and nights, they have ended up with extravagant grain reserves. Part of the prisoners were captured except for more than 2,000 troops, most of whom died in heroic sacrifices. Commander Ye Ting and the negotiations were held buckled Jun, Xiang Ying killed. The incident in southern Anhui was the second anti-communist climax set by Chiang Kai-shek. After the incident, the CPC Central Committee immediately led the entire party and the army in power