企业进行全面IT建设的事情,CIO多半只能赶上一次。华夏基金管理公司信息技术部的总经理石晓东最近就处在这样一个“大战”之后的平缓期。但还是一样24小时开着手机,忙得三顿并做两顿。在金融企业中,IT已经成为最大的风险点;新产品、新策略也发必须通过IT来实现。最近业务部门想扩大开放式基金的销售规模,信息技术部当然也就着忙了。 采访多次被石晓东的手机来电打断,都是研发和产品部
Enterprises to conduct a comprehensive IT construction, CIOs can only catch up once. Shi Xiaodong, general manager of the information technology department of Huaxia Fund Management Company, has been in a period of flattening after such a “war” recently. But still the same open 24 hours phone, busy three and do two meals. In financial enterprises, IT has become the biggest risk point; new products, new tactics also must be achieved through IT. Recently, the business unit wants to expand the sales volume of open-end funds, and the Department of Information Technology is certainly busy. Interviews were interrupted by Shi Xiaodong's phone call several times, are research and development and product department