应用题教学是小学数学的重要内容。重视应用题审题分析的能力培养,是一项十分重要的教学工作。在进行工程应用题教学对,除了根据工程应用题与分数应用题的内在联系,强化数量关系外,;I导学生从局部突破。可使一些工程问题化难为易。例如: 一项工程,甲乙两个工程队合作需要24天才能完成。两队合做15天后,剩下的由甲队独做需要21天,那么剩下的由乙队独做需要多少天? (1)从一般思路分析。把全工程看作“1”,要求乙队完成剩下的工程需要多少天.必须求出剩下的工程和乙队的工作效率,同时还必须求出甲队的工
Application problem teaching is an important part of elementary mathematics. It is a very important teaching task to attach importance to the cultivation of ability to analyze problem-based questions in applied subjects. In the teaching of engineering applications, in addition to engineering applications and scores based on the application of the internal links, to strengthen the number of relations; I guide students from the local breakthrough. Can make some engineering problems difficult difficult. For example: A project, A and B two engineering teams need 24 days to complete. After the two teams work together for 15 days, the rest need to do 21 days exclusively by the A team, then left alone by the B team alone do not need how many days? (1) From the general idea of analysis. Think of the whole project as “1” and how many days it will take for Team B to complete the rest of the project. You must work out the efficiency of the remaining projects and Team B, and you must also work out Team A