紧急搜救资源的科学配置对于震后抢救受灾人员的生命具有重要意义。针对震后紧急搜救期搜救资源配置问题的特点,建立了以囤陷人员总期望存活人数最大化为目标的运筹学模型,并提出了一种按照期望存活人数最大增量顺序逐步配置搜救资源的方法,即MESEA(more expected survivals in each allocation)。论文对MESEA的正确性给出了证明,最后运用“5.12汶川地震”某地区的紧急搜救资源配置案例说明了模型的应用。
The scientific allocation of emergency search and rescue resources is of great significance to the rescue of the victims after the earthquake. According to the characteristics of the search and rescue resources allocation during the emergency search and rescue phase after the earthquake, an operation research model was set up to maximize the total expected number of survivors in the storehouse and a strategy was proposed to gradually allocate the search and rescue resources according to the sequence of the largest increment of expected survivals Method, MESEA (more expected survivals in each allocation). The paper gives a proof of the correctness of MESEA. Finally, the application of the model is illustrated by the case of emergency search and rescue resources allocation in some area of Wenchuan Earthquake.