Recipient Male, 32 years old, blood type “O” type, hospital number 104126 Diagnosis of chronic nephritis, uremia admission. Blood Bun100mg% .Cr16.9mg%, hemodialysis after admission a total of 33 times, on November 20, 80 allogeneic Kidney transplantation, preoperative blood transfusion 10 times, lymphocyte toxic cross test 4%. Male donor, 25 years old, blood type “O” type, 45 minutes before the dead 45 hours injection of heparin 200mg, benzene benzylamine 10mg. 7 minutes and 11 seconds, immediately after taking the kidney into the ice and cold fluid maintenance, renal artery Ringer’s lactate at 4 ℃ for routine lavage.Lavigation and found that the upper half of the donor satisfaction, uniform gray , The lower part was crimson-like, immediately stored in lactated Ringer’s solution and stored in ice back.Preoperative examination found that the renal portal renal artery inferior branches remain, after separation,