传统的教学检查方法一般都是由学校主管教学部门或系、教研室进行的。能否变被动为主动,学会进行教学的自我检查,从而达到“知己知彼”和“自知之明”呢?我在自己的教学实践中体会到,它不仅是可行的,也是有益的。尤其对青年教师来说更为重要。如何进行教学的自我检查呢? 一、教学准备的自我检查。教学工作的成败主要取决于在课堂教学中的表现和效果。所以,课前的教学准备至关重要。对课前教学准备的检查最主要的是讲稿。即要看是否做到了“三读”。一是读懂。即对讲授的内容自己首先要融会贯通,搞懂弄清。二是读通。即对讲稿的语法、文字、段句等都要力求准确无
Traditional teaching methods are generally taught by the school department or department in charge of teaching and research. Can we be passive and take the initiative to learn self-examination of teaching so as to achieve “knowing ourselves and ourselves” and “self-knowledge?” I realized in my own teaching practice that it is not only feasible but also beneficial. Especially for young teachers is even more important. How to teach self-examination? First, self-examination of teaching preparation. The success or failure of teaching depends mainly on the performance and effectiveness of classroom teaching. Therefore, pre-class teaching preparation is crucial. Pre-class teaching preparation of the inspection is the most important speech. That is to see whether we have achieved the “third reading.” First, read. That is, the content of the first lecture to be mastery, to understand. Second, read pass. That is, the grammar, text, paragraph sentence, etc. of the speech should strive to be accurate