奥古斯都·孔德:实证主义的箴言:爱、秩序、进步。奥古斯都·孔德(Comte Auguste,1798~1857)法国哲学家、社会学的创始人、科学哲学的奠基者、经典实证主义最突出的阐述者和代表。1814~1816两年就学于巴黎综合技术学校。1817~1824年任空想社会主义者圣西门的秘书,并接受其思想,成为圣西门“精神上的养子”。后来,两人在政治和理论上发生严重分歧,尤其是著作权问题上发生争执而分道扬镳。此后,孔德长期没有固定工作,以当家庭教师教授数学谋生。1826年自设讲座,传播实证主义哲学,但因不幸的婚姻和
Augustus Conde: The positivism rumors: love, order, progress. Comte Auguste (1798–1857) French philosopher, founder of sociology, founder of philosophy of science, the most prominent elaborator and representative of classical positivism. From 1814 to 1816, he studied at the Paris Polytechnic School. From 1817 to 1824, he was the secretary of the fabled socialist San Simeon and accepted his thoughts to become St. Simon’s “spiritual adopters”. Later, the two had serious political and theoretical disagreements, especially disputes over copyright issues. Since then, Comte has not had a permanent job for a long time to teach mathematics to a family teacher. 1826 set up a lecture, spread positivism philosophy, but because of unfortunate marriage and