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前视红外(FLIR)感知器广泛展开的最近展望,将随当前工业家和政府为降低这类实时景象仪器的成本、尺寸、重量和复杂程度的努力而定。 FLIR处在正用于大量的飞机计划的边缘,这些计划主要由于夜间观察和作战需要而产生。如果FLIR的成本能以已知的技术或现已在即的进展降到更吸引人的水平,实时红外景象器将出现更广泛的应用机会。特别是用在如导弹履带车辆和多人操作武器等的景象仪器,不强求高级的机载型性能,情况就更为确实了。电荷偶合器件、室温热电探测器以及两者集成为紧凑的固体自扫描器件等的更广范围的研究和发展,必将影晌FLIR技 Recent prospects for widespread FLIR perception will depend on current efforts by industrialists and governments to reduce the cost, size, weight and complexity of such real-time scene instruments. FLIR is on the verge of being used for a large number of aircraft programs that are mainly due to night-time observation and operational needs. If the cost of FLIR can be reduced to more attractive levels with known technology or the progress that is now imminent, real-time infrared spectators will have a wider range of applications. In particular, the use of sight instruments, such as those used in missile-tracked vehicles and multiplayer operations, does not require advanced airborne performance, and the situation is even more certain. Charge coupled devices, room temperature pyroelectric detectors and their integration into a compact solid-state scanning device and a wider range of research and development, will certainly affect the FLIR technology
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