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一、典型例题精讲精练题不在多,贵在精。在学习的过程中,突出一个“精”字,强化一题多解,多题一解和一题多变。一题多解可以活跃思维,开拓思路,提高解题效率,做一个题可以复习多方面的知识,训练多种解题技巧,从中寻求简便的解法。多题一解通过实践、比较、判断、归类,花一些时间去思考,自己总结出同类的解题规律,训练从个别到一般,从个性到共性的思维能力,达到触类旁通、举一反三的效果。一题多变是通过变换数据,变换角度,变换前提等,一环扣一环,逐步设置台阶,由易到难,层层推进,挖出知识点的深度。如:2.1克平均式 First, the typical example of exquisite Speaking more than refined, expensive in the fine. In the process of learning, highlighting a “fine ” word, strengthen a problem a lot of solutions, a number of questions and answers and a question changeable. A multi-solution can be an active thinking, explore ideas, improve the efficiency of problem-solving, to do a problem can review a wide range of knowledge, training a variety of problem-solving skills, from which to find a simple solution. One by one practice, compare, judge, classify, take some time to think about themselves to sum up the same problem-solving law, training from individual to general, from personality to common thinking ability, to achieve the type of bypass, one after another effect. A changeable topic is through the transformation of data, transformation perspective, transformation prerequisites, etc., a chain deduction, and gradually set the stage, from easy to difficult, layer by layer, dug the depth of knowledge points. Such as: 2.1 grams of the average
思想政治课教学是学生“知”与“行”的统一过程 ,教师在教学中就必须做到“明理”与“导行”。”明理”是解决学生从“不知”到“知”的问题 ,“导行”是解决从“知”到“行
曾国藩散文取法桐城 ,超乎桐城 ,为文重视真情 ,力矫空疏 ,崇尚阳刚 ,气势恢宏 Zeng Guofan essays Tongcheng, beyond Tongcheng, emphasis on truth for the article, str
诗境出自于心境 ,诗性根源于心性。本文试图从“无己”“无待”的精神个性 ,悠然宁静的心境情绪 ,以及将这种心性还原于感觉的自然清澄的意象世界三个层面透析、探讨“无我之
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一、真题解剖  【例】(2013·浙江·40)建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉,关乎民族未来的长远大计。必须把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设的全过程。