课程资源是指课程实施所需要的资源,它的开发 和利用程度将制约新课程标准的贯彻和实施。新的 课程目标要求面向全体学生,着眼于学生全面发展和 终身发展的需要,以探究性学习为主,突出创新精神 和实践能力的培养,着重培养学生收集和处理科学信 息,获取新知识并运用所学知识
The curriculum resources refer to the resources needed for the implementation of the curriculum, and its development and utilization will restrict the implementation and implementation of the new curriculum standards. The new curriculum aims to meet the needs of all students, focusing on students’ all-round development and lifelong development. It focuses on inquiry learning, highlights the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability, and focuses on training students to collect and process scientific information, acquire new knowledge and apply it. Knowledge learned