一、绪言1958年9月—1959年9月在湖北黄石市北郊花马湖(鄂城县境)进行湖泥施肥试验,在室内、室外先后试验了35次,历时343天,在党的正确领导和全体工作人员的积极努力下,利用湖泥施肥的方法获得了成功。湖泊底泥里面,有腐烂的水草碎片、浮游植物及水生动物的尸体残骸等淤积;加之,由于雨水将地面冲下来的表层富有机质肥土也沉积于底部,因此,一般湖泊的底泥都很肥,常厚达0.5—1.0米以上;pH 值介于5.2—7.0间;无机酸度(以甲基橙作指示剂)为零,总酸度(以酚酞作指示剂)介于0.16—0.46毫克当量(NaOH)/升间,主要是由于淤泥中有机物质分解过程中所产生的弱酸(有机酸)所致。通常1,000斤干湖泥中含氮4—5斤,磷
I. INTRODUCTION In September 1958-September 1959, a lacustrine fertilizer experiment was conducted at Huama Lake (Echeng County) in the northern suburb of Huangshi City, Hubei Province. It was tested in indoor and outdoor 35 times in succession for 343 days. With the correct leadership and active efforts of all staff, success has been achieved through the use of lakes and fertilizers. In the sediments of the lakes, there are rotten fragments of aquatic plants, dead bodies of phytoplankton and aquatic animals, etc. In addition, since the surface layer of organic-rich soil washed down by rainwater is also deposited at the bottom, the sediments of lakes are generally very Fertilizer, often thick 0.5-1.0 meters; pH value between 5.2-7.0; inorganic acidity (with methyl orange as indicator) is zero, the total acidity (phenolphthalein as an indicator) is between 0.16-0.46 milliequivalents (NaOH) / liter, mainly due to weak acids (organic acids) generated during the decomposition of organic matter in the sludge. Usually 1,000 pounds of dry lake mud nitrogen 4-5 pounds, phosphorus