【摘 要】
Animals make sounds. Different animals make the sounds different from each other. In English I read some words that are used to describe how the animals make so
【出 处】
Reading and Composition(Junior High)(English)
Animals make sounds. Different animals make the sounds different from each other. In English I read some words that are used to describe how the animals make sounds. In Chinese we have special words to tell the sound that puppy, kitty, chicken, wolf make. In the same way in
Animals make sounds. Different animals make the sounds different from each other. In English we read some words that are used to describe how the animal make sounds. In Chinese we have special words to tell the sound that puppy, kitty, chicken, wolf make . In the same way in
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摘 要: 听力理解是领悟语言的复杂过程,如何提高高职学生的英语听力水平是教师一直感到困惑的问题。本文就影响听力理解的障碍、对策及提高英语听力理解的技巧谈一些自己的想法。 关键词: 高职生 英语听力水平 提高技能 对于许多高职的学生来说既能听清又能听懂不是一件容易的事。在如何提高高职学生的英语听力水平这一问题上,很多教师感到困惑,因为学生花了很多时间听各种材料,听力水平却没有较大程度的提高。
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