Love Forever, Damon Salvatore

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  It is always quite interesting straining to figure out what the author was trying to say in the books. It had made me look into corners and dim alleys, searching from word to word, sentence to sentence.
  When I encountered the series The Vampire Diaries, I didn’t really know how to make sense of it. The series was about magic, royalty, romance and just a touch of thrillers, in which the main character Elena Gilbert fell in love with a vampire named Stefan Salvatore, and then she met his handsome, humorous and powerful brother, Damon, only to find herself helplessly drawn to him as well. During these times, Elena had traveled through dimensions, met gods and goddesses, used skills and magic and discovered who she really was and where her duties lay. It had focused on how Elena solves the situation, how she managed to destroy the evil forces and finally had a peaceful life of her own, she and Stefan, forever and after. The only real description of Elena’s thoughts was about Damon. How she struggled to get along with him, and how she thought that she might be in love with him as well. The truth is, she had. But then she realized that it was Stefan that she wanted to spend the eternity with and then she made her decision.
  If the description of Elena sounded weak, Stefan’s was just pale. He didn’t have much of a personality except for loving Elena and being jealous of his big brother.
  The supposed main characters were not enough to support such a huge epic series, so the question came with the answer, who is it? Who is the one person that was essential to the story, who would sacrifice himself when it came down to thousands of lives and his own, who came back from the dead because clearly, the story couldn’t really go on without him? The answer was as simple as any answer could be----Damon Salvatore.
  He was Stefan’s older brothers, with undeniably good looks, pale skin and eyes like a starry night, with five hundred years of living and powers that Stefan could never absorb.
  Five centuries ago, the Salvatore brothers met Katherine Pierce. When Stefan first met her, he was no more than a young boy of seventeen and found himself in love with her. Stefan was imagining his bright future with this young, beautiful girl when his brother Damon was back at home. He quit college and loved Katherine as well. What the Salvatore brothers didn’t know was that Katherine was a vampire. Despite her cute timid appearance, she was craving for blood and love. She loved them both and gave them her blood and faked her own death when she saw that jealousy had come between the two brothers and thought it was all her fault. The Salvatore brothers, seeing the pile of ashes which was once Katherine’s bright, laughing self, went mad and killed each other in a sword fight. When they woke again, they had settled in a new identity, vampires.   Stefan chose to live on animal blood, which had made him weak and vulnerable whereas Damon embraced his new life and became as strong as any vampire with five hundred years of practicing could ever be. The Salvatore brothers, who could never forget the girl who died for them, Katherine Pierce, lived with guilt through all these years. Stefan came to Fell’s Church trying to start a new life acting as human where he met Elena Gilbert, the girl who looked exactly the same as Katherine. Guilt and grief forced him to get to know her. Soon, Stefan found out that, even though they resemble each other, the bright, energy-filled girl was nothing like weak timid Katherine. He stopped comparing them and let go of Katherine to love Elena whole heartedly, so did his brother Damon, who had been lurking in the shadows longer than Stefan and was making occasional visits to Elena. It seemed that the Salvatore brothers were finally going to start a new life again when they found out that Katherine was not dead. Instead, she had been tracking them while working for the evil original vampire Klaus. She later tried to kill both of them for neglecting her and falling in love with Elena and was killed.
  They say that Stefan’s love was always pure, while Damon’s was tainted with his countless love affairs through the years. However, Damon was the most capable of distinguishing “Love” from “Like”. He wanted to protect Bonnie, and might even die for her, but when it came down to Elena and Bonnie, he would chose Elena, with no doubt. Stefan would try to save both of them but risk losing both of them; Damon would make the decision between life and death in a heartbeat because he was sure that Elena was the love in his life, and Stefan was still hesitating. While Stefan was worrying about collateral damage, Damon was the one who can keep Elena alive even if she might hate him for that. But in the end, she would still be alive.
  When Damon and Elena with her trio of friends arrived at the entrance of the dark dimension, Damon said to the Guardian that he had won these three humans in a gamble. He did, but he lost.
  He gambled everything to win Elena, even his life, but in the end, he got nothing.
  Damon was the one who was always true to Elena. He had made no effort to conceal his identity. On their first meeting, when Elena turned up in the empty school gym, there he was, breathtakingly handsome and mysterious in the shadows. He even made Elena forget Stefan during their meeting, he was the one who entered the house when Elena had called on her supposed future husband. Maybe it was fated, when Elena stood in the dark room, her hand just above the candle light, calling her future husband, hoping to get a glimpse of him, and there was Damon, eyes as dark as midnight, hair as sleek as silk, gesture as graceful as a gentle man but with just a touch of danger in them that had made him as intimating and provoking as a beautiful black panther, flashing his dazzling smile at her. He was the one who took ten lashes in the back for Elena, he was the one to yield to her with his own body from those razor-sharp claws of the demon bird, he was the one who helped Elena to rescue Stefan even though he knew that once Elena saw Stefan, his chance would be slim. He was the one who was always there when Elena needed him.   Damon was the traveler. He traveled through dimensions after dimensions, getting drunk in the rich Black Magic Wine, dancing in the luxurious ball room in the Silver Nightingale’s ballroom. He traveled through centuries and centuries, viewing tragedies as well as happy endings, ruling a group of vampires, to whom he was their king. He was unyielding, a panther that could never be tamed, yet his love could be so tender and gentle.
  Damon was always standing up for his little brother even at the times when Stefan loathed him. He locked his heart in cold layers of stone until he couldn’t be hurt easily anymore. He killed people, he drank human blood, he despised them, yet he still cared. Those layers of stone was hardships that Stefan could never understand or manage, but under those layers, there lied a heart as soft as it could be. He locked his secrets, never revealing them to anyone. Those burdens he carried around could weight over a thousand ton, but he stayed on and managed to become someone Stefan could never dream to be.
  He was special to Elena. When Damon died, a part of Elena died with him. Dimensions after dimensions, crystal skies or starry night, it won’t be the same without a Damon in it. He was the one who could dry the tears of Elena’s face with a black handkerchief. He always said that he was a gentleman, and he truly was. He was loyal, graceful, and all the things that a gentlemen should be.
  He chose to leave when Elena chose Stefan. He said that he would travel around the world, maybe China or Tokyo. He flashed her dazzling smile at her, which was as beautiful as ever. It was the perfect mask to conceal his true thoughts. Somehow, I read sadness out of it, which had followed him through all five centuries, from the moment that he had turned into a vampire, and he was fated to be alone. Alone and alone, through all eternity.
  They say he was a devil, maybe he was——he murdered people, he never stopped to look back, but he still loved and cared. If Damon’s a devil, I have no problem to say that I’m totally, completely in love with the thing most feared by people. I love Damon Salvatore!
【摘要】词汇是初一学生学习英语的基础,教师在教学实践中,要在课前预习、课堂教学及课后拓展等方面,采用多种有效的词汇教学策略,提高学生学习词汇的兴趣和效率。  【关键词】《英语》七年级上册;词汇;教学策略  【作者简介】章丹昱(1998-),女,浙江师范大学行知学院文学分院,英语专业,本科生。  词汇是语言的基本材料,是语言的三大要素之一。英國著名应用语言学家威尔金斯(D.Wilkins)曾经说过:
【摘要】在教学过程中,采用恰当的教学策略,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,帮助学生将自身的精力最大限度地投入到课堂学习过程当中,充分展现了学生主人翁的地位,使课堂效率得到提高。将兴趣教学策略引入到初中英语课堂教学过程当中,能够帮助同学们克服语言的障碍,使他们在学习过程当中体会到更多的乐趣,降低学习的难度,从而帮助提高学生的英语学习能力。  【关键词】兴趣教学;初中;英语  【作者简介】施雅心,厦门外国语学
【摘要】在落实素质教育和推动新课程改革的过程之中,探究合作式教学备受社会各界的广泛关注,不可否认,探究合作式教学服务素质教育的实质要求,能够真正的站在学生的角度为学生提供更多动手实践操作的机会。本文以高中英语教学为切入点,具体分析这种教学模式在该学科教学中的运用,以期为提高我国英语教学质量和水平提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】探究合作式教学;高中英语;教学运用  【作者简介】张燕君,江苏省丹阳市吕叔
【摘要】随着我国与世界的进一步融合,社会各界对英语教学的关注程度也在不断提高,英语核心素养的培养更是需要优质高效的课堂教学设计。本论文以建构主义学习理论为基础,通过对实际教学课堂的观察将建构主义教学设计与实践结合起来,探讨了英语课堂情景创设对英语核心素养培养的重要意义。  【关键词】建构主义教学设计;情境创设;英语核心素养  【作者简介】苏伯林,上海民办华二浦东实验学校。  一、建构主义教学设计 
【摘要】海南自贸港的建设,给海南高校带来更多的机遇和挑战。自贸港背景下,我们需要及时调整高校英语人才的培养策略,把英语教学与自贸港法律内容、商务内容、社会实践、专业英语相结合,更好地为自贸港建设培养和储备优秀的复合型英语人才。  【关键词】自贸港建设;英语人才;培养策略  【作者简介】陈英,福建泉州人,三亚学院外国语学院,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:大学英语教学法。  2018年10月,国务院批准
【摘要】思维品质是英语学科核心素养之一,高中英语阅读教学是培养学生思维品质的重要途径。高中英语文本阅读课应该以提高学生的思维能力和培养学生的思维素养为立足点,使学生的思维实现提升。本文以文本阅读课为依托,探讨如何在教学实践中激发学生的思维积极性,培养学生的思维品质。  【关键词】高中英语阅读;思维品质;思维习惯  【作者简介】姚静,常熟市中学。  引言  《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》(
【摘要】小学英语教学的最终目标是培养学生用英语做事情的、初步的综合语言运用能力。小学英语语音教学是促进学生综合语言运用能力发展的重要教学内容之一。在主题语境中融入语音教学,有助于学生在学习语音知识的同时发展听力能力和阅读能力。文章将结合上海(深圳)牛津版教材(三年级起点)五年级上册的一节语音课,探究小学英语语音教学与主题语境有机融合的教学策略。  【关键词】主题语境;语音教学;自然拼读法  【作者