Multimedia College English Teaching based upon the Behaviorism Theory

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  【Abstract】According to the behaviorism learning theory, the language learning is a process of habitual acquisition and practice. Based on the characteristics of college English teaching mode under the multimedia Internet condition, this article explores the practical guiding function of behaviorism learning theory to college English teaching, so as to realize the goal of college English teaching.
  【Keywords】the behaviorism learning theory; multimedia teaching; college English teaching
  In the 1950s, through long-term teaching practice, the educators gradually realized the two most important elements in mastering a language are “teaching” and “learning”. This cognition has brought transition of language teaching concept: the focus of teaching research has to shift from “teaching” to “learning”. The transition of cognition has caused the adjustment of research focus and reform in practice. Although there are too many learning theories based upon different linguistic schools to guide different learning approaches, they are all originated from the research and development of child language acquisition, that is the behaviorism learning theory.
  I. The Behaviorism Learning Theory
  Generally speaking, most behaviorists believe in Mechanism theory. However, there is a big difference between the understanding of different behaviorists to behaviors and that of the explanation principles. The concept of behaviorism learning theory can be summarized as the following aspects: language is a habit, is the essential part of all human actions, and is gradually formed under the action of external environment; language acquisition and its process is proceeding according to operant conditioning; language behavior can be formed and strengthened by positive reinforcement.
  II. Multimedia College English Teaching
  College English Teaching is a basic subject. The English learning process is also a process of language habit obtained from practice. Therefore, the task of English teachers is not only to pass on knowledge, but more importantly, teachers should provide various activities to make students have more language skills training and practice, make them listen more, speak more, read more, and write more in practice to develop their sense of English, accumulate cultural background knowledge, and improve and cultivate their comprehensive ability to use English.
  Nowadays, the introduction of modern multimedia has enriched the classroom teaching method and structure, optimizing the English classroom teaching to equip it with incomparable superiority to traditional model of English teaching. Multimedia college English teaching is a modern means of teaching characterized by the combination of picture, text, sound and video, so any teachers can consciously and selectively choose the teaching contents according to teaching objectives, to make the classroom teaching more vivid. Meanwhile, the development of internet technology has realized the resource sharing, enriched the English teaching resources, especially the materials concerning listening, reading, writing and many other aspects. Moreover, students can also use the multimedia to look for or download study materials to practice and improve their English abilities after class. So, with information and effects, much more than the traditional classroom, multimedia teaching has surpassed the space limitation of traditional college English classroom teaching mode, and constructed an open teaching space.   III. The guide function of behaviorism learning theory to the current multimedia college English teaching.
  1. College English course is essentially a skill training and practice course, so it needs students to participate in relevant language skills training and practicing activities. For instance, the following is a dialogue about people’s opinion.
  A: What do you think of the movie “Life of Pi”?
  B: I like the story most. It’s very thought-provoking. What about you?
  According to the behaviorism, Question A is the stimulus, to stimulate the reaction of B. So, the language itself is a chain structure of one linear-stimulus to another. By the same token, teachers should design a teaching mode characterized by pattern drills so as to help students master the target language more quickly to communicate. At this moment, the role of teacher is a trainer to offer the stimulus and make students react.
  As a result, in class, teachers can adopt induction method to present and explain similar language structure and environment and then compare their differences in usage. What’s more, teachers can use analogic reasoning and substitution practice to immerse students in the real condition, thus leaving a deep impression on the students. Then, through assimilation, adjustment, students can understand the meaning of the sentence pattern and its usage scenarios. In the process of learning, pictures, scenes and connections can give strong stimulus to students, constructing new significance to the original knowledge and experience.
  2. In the initial stage of English teaching, teachers can use sentence pattern practice concept in behaviorism theory to make students practice again and again. According to students’ proficiency, teachers can freely select contents from different ranks and levels to explain repeatedly the language difficulties to students until they understand them, thus motivating students’ interests in learning English. Based on the reading practice, vocabulary extension, and the students’ schedule, teachers also should design diversified suitable relationships to establish the mutual training. Furthermore, according to the students’ characteristics of the English language learning, teachers should take advantage of all available teaching platforms and methods to tutor and communicate with students in order to increase the authenticity of learning exchange, which can help teachers monitor the learning progress and play the guiding and supervising role.   3. With the help of web-based teaching platform, teachers should make full use of the movie, tape, video and online resources, such as original English movies, English news, background information, biography, and so on to build an authentic language learning environment, and design the situation for teaching contents, so as to make students have something to listen and talk. Through panel discussion and communication, students can also supplement different options to understand more thoroughly, which can improve their actual ability of language communication, and enhance their comprehensive ability of language learning.
  4. The behaviorism requires prompt feedbacks to students, and praise or criticism to students’ learning. As the organizer of teaching activity, teachers should give encouragement and instruction to students’ performance, stimulate their English learning interest, and bring their cognition into play. Moreover, teachers should inspire students’ enthusiasm through positive reinforcement, and promote the development of students body and mind. So the perfect feedback system should be established to monitor and guide students. Teachers can use the feedback information offered by the language test system to learn their problems and design the relevant specialized training practice and explanation of answers, and then send them to students by internet, so as to improve the overall learning effect. Students can also check the knowledge in different stages. Through the timely and correct feedbacks of students, teachers can adjust teaching contents and schedule, improve teaching method to regulate the teaching process, which can ensure the expected targets of college English teaching and realize the principle of “teaching students in accordance with their aptitude ”.
  Guided by the ideology of “teachers as guide, and students as subject”, based upon the behaviorism learning theory, and combined the multimedia with college English teaching, college English teaching should be a bidirectional, interactive and open teaching mode. In order to effectively reform college English teaching mode, we should update the concept, change the traditional teacher-centered mode, and build a multimedia college English teaching mode. Only by this can the ideal college English teaching environment be designed with modern information technology, which has a profound significance to cultivate students’ language application ability and autonomous learning ability.
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新课程背景下的语文教学给语文教师提出了更高的要求,语文教师需要以全新的心态和新颖多变的教学形式去吸引学生,引导学生学好语文、用好语文。在教材处理上,必须改变照本宣科的方式,呼唤活化教材,巧用教材,甚至重组教材,融入自主、合作、探究等学习方式,从而更好地提高小学语文教学效率。  一、改变教学策略,由被动变为主动  小学语文课程标准中提出语文教学要“积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式”,目的就是要改变
【摘 要】教师平等的参与研究性学习,从知识的权威变成学生课题研究的一员,从知识的传授者变为学生研究性学习的促进者、组织者与指导者;教师要应对学生在研究性学习中提出的各种问题,充实、提高自身的知识领域与储备;教师处于被选择的地位,师生间是一种平等关系,与学生的学习情境共存。  【关键词】设计教育 研究性学习 创新性思维 角色定位  “知识经济”出自世界经济合作与发展组织(Organization f
一学期的工作在紧张繁忙中结束了,学校要求班主任谈工作的感受,鉴于当前教育形势、生活阅历以及学生现状,作为班主任的我,不得不深思,认真总结经验。于是,我除了一些常规的管理和教育办法以外,在本学期把班级管理的重点放在启发引导学生、让学生学会自我管理,并取得了一定的实效性。我主要做了以下工作:  一、科学地、有针对性的组建班委会  首先,民主、科学地选拔班委成员。开学第一周,我宣布改选班委会,通过学生自
【摘 要】随着新课改的不断深入,要求初中思想品德教师在课堂评价时,要以学生们为主体,不断启发学生们的创新思维,同时教师还要用自身的实际行动去引导学生,进而在最大程度上激发学生们学习的兴趣,使学生们在课堂评价过程中树立正确的价值观。  【关键词】思想品德 课堂评价 思维  一、以生为本,与时俱进  在我国大多数初中思想品德课堂上进行总结评价,都是老师设计的教学环节中的一部分,最终都是由老师进
【摘 要】本文以中南财经政法大学为研究背景,调查了统计软件课程在该校的开设现状,同时也探讨了其中存在的一些不足,最后针对财经类院校该课程的开设问题提出了一些改进措施。  【关键词】统计软件 教学 本科生  一、统计软件的种类及课程开设的重要性  在当今信息化时代的背景下,大量的数据和信息充斥着我们的生活。无论政府、企业还是个人,要在大量的信息中获取有用的信息,都必须具有对采集的信息进行存储、整理以
【摘 要】当前我国高校就业指导未受到应有的重视,就业指导机构不健全,师资队伍专业化程度不高,方式单一,内容狭窄,且缺乏市场导向,因而急需找出路径改变当前状况。本文通过借鉴美国高校就业指导的成功做法,提出要加强对高校就业指导的重视,要建立健全的就业指导机构,要加强师资队伍专业化建设,要健全高校就业指导的市场机制,要实现方式多样化、内容丰富化的高校就业指导新模式。  【关键词】高校 就业指导 现状 策
【摘 要】以外语系学生党建工作为切入点,抓住现阶段创先争优活动的契机,积极探索大学生党员管理的新机制、新办法,通过建立长效工作机制来使大学生党员受到长期教育的同时,永葆先进性,以达到提高素质、增强党性、发挥党员先锋模范作用的目的。  【关键词】创先争优 学生党员 先锋模范作用  高校党组织作为全国众多基层党组织的重要组成部分,在扎实有效地开展创先争优活动中具有举足轻重的地位。随着时代的发展,大学生
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【摘 要】新课程强调课堂是一个不断生成的教学过程,是教师和学生共同的生命历程,课堂教学应当焕发生命的活力。而社会学科具有的综合性、时代性、丰富性特点及浓厚的生活化、人文化气息,更为课堂教学的动态生成提供了广阔的天地。预设与生成作为教学中一对既对立又统一的矛盾体,是不可偏颇的。教育活动不只是单纯的“预设”操作,而是凭借教学机智与经验积累,对学生所反馈出来的信息迅速进行过滤、筛选,把它与预设的目标、步
【摘 要】《中国近现代史纲要》对思想政治理论课程具有辅助教学作用。这门课程的学术性、政治性和理论性较强,在教学过程中易陷入教学气氛枯燥、教学方式僵化的状况,影响课程的学习效率。本文针对《中国近现代史纲要》的教学特点,采取激励教学法,用历史激励学生学习,提高课堂的积极性,增强课堂教学的效率。  【关键词】《中国近现代史纲要》 教学改革 策略  在教学改革的大潮中,《中国近现代史纲要》课程也在教学