姑姑生了个小女孩,刚满月,我陪妈妈去看望她。 刚进院子,院里摆了好几桌酒席,来了不少客人。这里充满了欢声笑语。我感到很奇怪,便问妈妈:“妈妈,你不是常说农村挺重视传宗接代这个问题吗?为什么姑姑第一胎生了个女孩,却摆这么大的排场庆贺?”妈妈神秘地说:“你姑姑的家婆跟别人不同。” 这天最高兴的要算姑姑的家婆,她乐呵呵地笑得合不拢嘴。接客人,给客人端饭菜,在人群中穿梭着。“刘队长,你儿媳生的是男孩还是女孩?”一位不知情的人问她。她自豪而又爽朗地答:“是一个比男孩还强得多的女孩”。
Aunt gave birth to a little girl, just full moon, I went to visit her with her mother. Just entered the yard, the courtyard placed several tables banquet, a lot of guests. It’s full of laughter. I feel very strange, then asked her mother: “Mom, do not you often say that the rural areas attach great importance to the issue of the family line? Why did the first child of aunt give birth to a girl, but put such a big celebration?” My mother said mysteriously: The mother-in-law is different from others. “The happiest day to count aunt’s house-mate, she cheerfully smiled ear to ear. Pick up guests, to the guests side dishes, shuttle in the crowd. ”Captain Liu, your daughter-in-law is a boy or a girl?“ An unknown person asked her. She said proudly and honestly: ”It is a much stronger girl than a boy."