The Metaphorical Meaning of “Resemblance” in Despair

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michellehb1
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  【Abstract】This paper aims to explore the metaphorical meaning of “resemblance” and the wicked purposes of the characters in Vladimir Nabokov’s early work Despair. And it reveals that the purpose of Nabokov was to criticize the greedy, selfish and merciless society by discussing the theme of “resemblance”.
  【Key words】Resemblance; Vladimir Nabokov; Despair
  Despair, as the early work of Vladimir Nabokov, was completed in 1932, originally written in Russian and first published in Berlin in 1936. In the same year of the book first published, Nabokov himself translated it into English for a London Publishing House. In 1965, Nabokov rewrote the book in English. It can be seen that Nabokov had put a lot effort in Despair. It tells the story of a chocolate businessman Hermann trying to defraud insurance by killing a tramp. Once, he went to Prague for his business negotiations, and came across a tramp named Felix. When Hermann saw Felix, he felt that homeless man resembled him in looks. Since then, he had been planning a murder, in which Felix was to be killed and the victim was to be mistaken by the police as Hermann. Therefore, he could use the identity of Felix and live on the insurance money of his “death”. With the development of the story, it turns out that the fabricated part is not the story written by Hermann, but the “resemblance” between Hermann and Felix. In terms of its profound theme, to analyze Hermann’s obsession with his imaginary resemblance is the key to understand the essential meaning of Nabokov’s “despair”.
  In the story of the pursuit of “resemblance”, Hermann was the dominant player. Being a failed chocolate businessman and a cuckolded husband, Hermann wanted to control everything, and that desperate need to control others derived from both his almost crazy narcissism and his self-loathing. Moreover, the desire to be an artist of Hermann could be proved by his consideration of the presumably perfect murder plot to be an artistical expression rather than a scheme to gain money. Actually, Hermann’s absurd pursuit of “resemblance” implies the pursuit of the collective identification. On Hermann’s part, “resemblance” means a protecting umbrella under which he could blatantly commit evils. He fancied the identification of a group for the sake of satisfying his desire of controlling and getting away from his failed life. Hermann’s obsession actually represents a group of people who took advantage of the strong material desire of the marginalized, lower, underprivileged people, convinced them that they had the mutually beneficial plans and needed their cooperation, and controlled them to serve for their own selfish interests.   The absurdity of “resemblance” is embodied on the supporting character as well. Felix, the direct victim of Hermann’s delusion, was a tramp who was in an awful situation of making a living and had a desperate need to improve his condition, and that stirred him up to “collaborate” with Hermann. But here comes a question: Had the resemblance between Hermann and Felix been fabricated by Hermann, how could Felix have accepted the arrangement of Hermann? It is exactly because of Felix’s desperate living condition. Felix, as it is, was in the desperate struggle with the society and was left no choice but to resign, renounce and eventually perish. Pursuing satisfaction of material profit without independent thinking of the standard of morality and without the sense of the right and evil, Felix, on the other hand, reflected a group of people who recognized the false and the unreal in order to achieve their own interests, desire and illusion. They lost their uncompromisable freedom and happiness that were the upmost promise and goal of the affluent society.
  From the above analysis of the meaning of “resemblance” to characters, it comes to a conclusion that both Hermann’s obsession and Felix’s concertation with their “resemblance” indicate a confusion in identity cognition. The description of the pursuit of “resemblance” alludes to the criticism that might derived from the earlier experience of Nabokov in Russia and Germany. Under a big social background, the pursuit of “resemblance” implied that the leader of the society tried to universalize the people and make use of their pursuit of identity to control them. In the novel, Hermann talked about his opinion of Communism in his manuscript as follows: “that Communism shall indeed create a beautifully square world of identical brawny fellows, broad-shouldered and microcephalous”which showed the doubt of Nabokov to Communism. Therefore, Nabokov’s despair was a doubt and disappointment to people’s abandonment of independent thinking. It also criticized the conduct of taking advantage of the secular desire for wealth of the social community and the absurd pursuit of universality and identification.
【摘要】中学英语课程标准指出:语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。按照语言学习规律,学生必须有大量的语言输入和输出。按照语言学习规律,学生在英语学习过程中必须有大量的语言输入和输出。为了有效地达到听说读写的训练目的,在英语教学中引入微信工具,很好地解决了传统英语教学中的弊端,极大地拓展了语言输入和输出的领域。  【关键词】
【摘要】随着社会经济的发展,人们对英语教学也越来越重视。对于学生而言,小学阶段是基础时期,初中阶段是过渡和提升期,在学生整体的英语教育中都占据着非常重要的地位。而写作是初中英语教学中的重要方面,是初中英语教师应该重点关注的一个板块,本文就从阅读文本为基础,来探讨初中英语写作教学应该实施的具体措施。  【关键词】初中英语;写作教学;阅读文本  【作者简介】杨淑英,三明市尤溪二中。  英语作为世界通用
【摘要】认知语言学是语言学的一门分支,蓬勃发展于20世纪90年代。其蓬勃发展极大地拓宽了翻译视野,为翻译的研究提供了新的思路和方法。对于诗歌的翻译,大都是从接受美学、功能对等、异化归化、翻译目的论和许渊冲“三美”翻译理论出发,本文则以突显原则为理论框架,通过对诗歌译文的分析,探索突显原则在诗歌作品翻译中的体现。  【關键词】突显原则;识解机制;认知语言学  【作者简介】钟惠(1995-),女,汉族
【摘要】话语标记语在言语交际中频繁出现,其研究一直备受国内外学者的关注。本文从维索尔伦提出的顺应理论出发,以美剧《老友记》文本为研究语料,分析话语标记语well的语用功能,解释其在话语生成及理解过程中如何发挥作用,以达到成功交际的目的。  【关键词】话语标记语;顺应论;语用功能;《老友记》  【作者简介】郭真(1982.04-),女,汉族,山东东营人,中国石油大学胜利学院,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方
In this paper, the interactional function of relexicalisation in classroom discourse is analyzed. The classroom discourse took place in a listening and speaking lesson. The lesson in this study, taugh
【摘要】本研究主要探讨阅读圈在大学英语精读教学中的应用效果。研究发现,阅读圈能够有效提高学生的课堂参与度;能够在一定程度上促使学生积极投入文本阅读,但大部分学生阅读态度仍然表现为被动接受,缺乏主动性;能够促使思辨行为的发生,但是思辨能力主要表现为“记忆”和“理解”两个较低认的知层次。  【关键词】阅读圈;课堂参与度;阅读态度;思辨能力  【作者简介】孟红莲(1981-),女,汉族,河北保定人,西藏
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