深圳市公安局龙城派出所面对复杂的治安环境,7月末,新上任的领导温其光所长深入辖区走访居民,进行周密的调查研究,了解群众关心的治安难点和热点问题,倾听警声,然后将掌握的第一手材料向镇委、镇政府和区公安分局领导汇报,结合历年的治安特点,经过商讨论证,并和镇综治办、村委、居委领导班子交换意见,从而制定了切实可行的工作方案, “内强队伍素质,内抓所容所貌环境绿化建设,外树队伍形象,狠抓打击防范”,并且真抓实干,迅速加以落实,取得了显著效果:一是队伍面貌大为改观,民警的工作热情、主观能动性、创造性日益增强;二是防范见成效,各类刑事案件发案率明显降低;三是破案率明显提高,8~9月共破获各类刑事案件90宗(其中积案59宗,协助外地警方破案4宗),抓获案犯93名(移交外地警方7名),收缴汽车4辆、摩托车29辆、电话机2台、照相机1部、录相机1台、手提电话5部、BB机11部、手表5块、金戒指3枚、毒品海洛因349克和毒品稀料4000克、现金人民币3.2万元,赃款赃物总价值人民币38万元,破案数与6~7月份相比上升9.8倍;四是所容所貌、内务秩序、环境卫生变化大。为党的十五大胜利召开和建国48周年创造了良好的治安环境。
Longcheng police station in Shenzhen City Public Security Bureau faced a complex security environment. At the end of July, the newly appointed director Wen Qiguang visited residents in depth and conducted thorough investigation and study to understand the public security concerns and hot issues, listen to the warning and then The first-hand materials will be reported to the leadership of the town committee, the town government and the district public security bureau to report, combined with the characteristics of the past years of law and order, after discussion and demonstration, and the town of comprehensive management office, village committee, neighborhood leadership exchange of views to develop Practical work program, “the quality of the strong team, within the grasp of the appearance of the environment green building, the image of outside the tree team, pay close attention to combat prevention”, and work hard and quickly to implement, and achieved remarkable results: First, the team The outlook is greatly improved, the enthusiasm of the police work, subjective initiative, creativity is increasingly enhanced; the second is to prevent the see results, a significant reduction in the incidence of criminal cases of various types; Third, the detection rate was significantly improved, a total of 8 to September cracked a variety of criminal cases 90 (including 59 in the cumulative case and 4 in assistance of police in the field), arrested 93 criminals (transferred to seven police in the field), collected 4 vehicles, 29 motorcycles, 2 telephones, 1 camera, 1 camera, 5 mobile phones, 11 BB machines, 5 watches, 3 gold rings, 349 grams of drug heroin and 4,000 grams of drug substance, 32,000 yuan in cash, and 380,000 yuan in stolen money. Compared with June-July increased by 9.8 times; Fourth, the appearance of appearance, house order, environmental health changes. Creating a good public security environment for the party’s victory of the 15th National Congress and the 48th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.