
来源 :中国水稻科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsq
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采用生育期不同的籼型野败恢复系和保持系与典型粳稻和籼粳中间型亲本配制成80份籼粳杂种一代组合,用亚种肉品种间杂交为对照,研究了籼粳稻杂种一代生育期的表现。结果表明,以籼粳亚种间杂种一代生育期优势最强,一般都超过双亲平均值;品种间杂种一代生育期优势最弱,接近中亲值;籼或使型亲本配籼粳中间型亲本,杂种一代生育期优势介于上述两类型组合之间。籼粳杂交由于双亲的不同,组合间F1生育期优势差异很大,有的组合甚至出现负向优势.这种生育期优势差异既受双亲本身生育期的迟早所支配,如杂种一代生育期长短排列顺序为中籼/晚粳>中籼/早或中粳>早籼或早熟中籼/晚粳>早籼或早熟中籼/早或中粳;又受籼型亲本所含的野败恢、保遗传基因所制约,凡用籼型野败恢复系配制的籼粳杂种一代其生育期优势明显减弱,并与双亲籼、粳遗传距离的大小有关,杂种一代生育期优势随双亲籼、便遗传距离的扩大而增强。 A total of 80 combinations of indica and japonica hybrids were prepared by indica wild-type restorer lines and maintainer lines with different growth stages and typical intermediate japonica and indica-japonica parents. The cross between subspecies of meat was used as a control to study the hybrid generation of indica and japonica hybrids The performance of the period. The results showed that the indica or japonica intergeneric hybrids had the strongest advantage in the growth period and generally exceeded the average value of the parents. The hybrid generation had the weakest advantage in the growth period and close to the mid-parent value. , Hybrid generation growth period between the above two types of combinations. Indica-japonica cross Because of the differences in parents, there are great differences in the advantages of F1 between the combinations, and some combinations even have negative advantages. The difference of growth advantage during this period was controlled by the parents’ own growth period. For example, the growth stages of hybrids were indica / late japonica> indica / early or middle japonica> indica / indica / indica / indica / late japonica> Indica or early maturing medium and medium indica / early or middle japonica; it is also restricted by wild and restore genetic and epigenetic genes contained in the indica parent, and the indica / japonica hybrid generation with the indica wild restorer line was obviously weakened in its growth period , And related to the size of parents’ indica and japonica genetic distance. The heterosis of hybrid generation increased with the expansion of genetic distance between parents and indica.
摘 要:在物理核心素养视域下,通过对2018年高考新课标理综二卷物理第24题两种解法的研究发现,本题延续了前几年的出题方式,以生活情景为问题背景,以多过程、多知识点问题为基础题型,以力与运动、功能关系知识主线为载体考查学生的基本学科能力和核心素养。通过对学生答题误区的分析反思,指出运用认知心理学将多过程、多知识点问题进行表征训练,完成复习备考的教学重构,有助于培养学生学科能力,提高复习备考效率。 
摘 要:高考改革的浪潮席卷全国,越来越多的省份加入了改革的阵地。化学学科作为一门自然科学,在促进社会发展中起到了举足轻重的作用。高考改革后,考试中心会更加强调对化学学科核心素养的考查。因此,在教学过程中,培养学生的化学学科核心素养显得尤为重要。本文着重分析了新高考改革的趋势,提出从教学目标、教学过程、教学方法、教学重难点等方面革新,从而高效地提高化学学科核心素养,这对高考改革后化学学科的教学策略调
摘 要:图式是视觉素养的重要组成,在社会高速发展期内呈现几何增长,本文旨在探讨儿童视觉素养的关键期内,提高儿童内在图式资源,从图式特点和图式功能等方面学会甄别、运用图式,极大程度地促进孩子美学素养提升,充分培养孩子的创造力。  关键词:内在图式;心美术;美的表达     集约化媒体意识发展使得人与信息的交流更为直接,结论性概念在儿童成长期内先入为主,儿童的“现场”感受不够,天然的知识正确性在学习