目的分析掌握手足口病流行规律,为“十三五”手足口病预防控制措施制定提供依据。方法应用描述流行病学和统计推断方法进行分析。结果 2011~2015年漯河市共报告手足口病10154例,年均报告发病率79.66/10万,其中重症病例934例,实验室确诊病例1166例,EV71为主要致病原;4~6月份为发病高发期;城区发病高于两县发病;发病集中在3岁及以下散居儿童;男女性别比为2.05:1。结论手足口病具有明显季节性、区域性、人群集中性分布,“十三五”期间需加强疫情和病原学监测,扩大健康教育面,加大培训力度,做好预检分诊,落实学校传染病防控措施,条件允许下接种手足口病疫苗。
Objective To analyze and grasp the epidemic law of hand-foot-mouth disease and provide evidence for the prevention and control measures of hand-foot-mouth disease in the “Thirteen Five”. Methods Descriptive epidemiology and statistical inference methods were used for analysis. Results A total of 10 154 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease were reported in Luohe from 2011 to 2015, with an average annual incidence of 79.66 / 100 000, of which 934 were severe cases, 1166 were laboratory-confirmed cases and EV71 was the major causative agent. From April to June, Incidence of high incidence period; the incidence of urban areas higher than the incidence of two counties; the incidence of concentrated in children aged 3 and below scattered children; male to female ratio was 2.05: 1. Conclusion Hand, foot and mouth disease is obviously seasonal, regional and population concentrated distribution. During the “Thirteen Five” period, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of epidemic and pathogen, expand health education, intensify training, do pre-screening triage, Implementation of school infectious disease prevention and control measures, conditions permit vaccination of hand, foot and mouth disease.