Selected Abstracts

来源 :外国语言文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiwen2100000
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The Elasticity of Vague LanguageAbstract:This paper develops an overarching theoretical framework for dealing with the strategic elastic- ity of vague language. Employing the metaphor of a slingshot, it describes how the vague language (VL) is stretched to meet the needs of communication. Drawing attention to the positive and effective role played by VL, the study further looks into how the VL theory is derived from real - life data of ten- sion -prone encounters. The empirical evidence validates the theory~ main maxim and its four specific maxims, and lends support to the following findings: 1 ) the pragmatic functions which VL performs, their linguistic realizations, and the pragmatic maxims they conform to are interconnected; 2) the dom- inant factor in the functioning of VL is the communicative goal; and 3 ) stretching on a continuum of polarities, between soft and tough, firm and flexible, cooperative and uncooperative, shows the versa- tility and elasticity of VL. An important implication of this study is that while VL~ vagueness is context -governed and culture- denendent it~ nll A ~1.o~;.;~.. ; :
近年来,越来越多的人开始关注教学反思在教育中的重要地位。教师只有在教学中不断反思,才能将理论和实际较好地结合起来,强化教师专业素养,提高专业能力。 In recent years,
本文从语言学的本体出发来讨论George Lakoff(乔治·莱考夫)认知隐喻学的基本主张,通过实际语料的分析揭示了认知隐喻学在分析具体语言现象上面临的挑战,以实际语料彰显了认
教育的成功是每个教师的追求与向往。教育改革的实践告诉我们,学生不仅是一个认知体,其首先是一个个体。对待不同的学生、不同的问题应该有不同的途径、不同的方法。 The su