福田雷沃TD-654型轮式拖拉机,是同柴油机配套使用的大型双轴驱动农业动力机械,适用于国内各地,各类土壤农田土地翻耕、整地、开沟、施肥、播种、中耕等田间管理、植保以及收获、运输等作业。主要技术参数:外形尺寸4200、1 9 1 0、2 625mm,额定功率48k W,牵引力13k N,轴距2 188mm,前轮距1 500mm,后轮距1 530mm,动力输出轴转速540、760/540、1 000r/min,前进速度(8+2挡)3.06~31.49km/h、(10+10挡)
Foton Lovol TD-654 wheeled tractor is a large biaxial driven agricultural power-driven machine used with diesel engines. It is suitable for fields such as tillage, land preparation, ditching, fertilizing, sowing and cultivating in all kinds of farmland in China Management, plant protection and harvesting, transportation and other operations. The main technical parameters: Dimensions 4200,1 9 1 0,2 625mm, rated power of 48k W, traction 13k N, wheelbase 2 188mm, front wheelbase 1500mm, rear wheelbase 1 530mm, PTO shaft speed 540,760 / 540,1 000r / min, forward speed (8 + 2 block) 3.06 ~ 31.49km / h, (10 + 10 block)