The relationship between piano music learning and quality education has always been the top priority in the field of children’s piano education, the relationship between the two is not handled well, and the piano teaching level of school-age children is also affected to a certain extent. Most of the musicians and parents, even a considerable part of the piano teachers, will learn the equalization of the piano with the test grade. There have been unusual phenomena of learning the piano for the test and for examining the test. In fact, children learning piano is to develop the potential, improve the overall quality, is “aesthetic ” needs. The author believes that children’s piano basic education is an important part of quality education and social music education. Its ultimate goal is to improve the level of aesthetic appreciation, to cultivate sentiment and intelligence, and to develop intelligence. In addition, young people learning piano art can ease the pressure of study , Relax, delight physical and mental, but also the most effective way to enlighten wisdom.