目的: 1.学习听信号做动作,练习向指定方向走和跑。 2.培养爱护小动物的情感。准备: 1.带领幼儿到十字路口认识红绿灯,观察车辆的运行情况,了解简单的交通规则(红灯停,绿灯行)。 2.带幼儿去动物园参观,帮助幼儿积累有关生活经验。 3.每个幼儿将纸盒装饰成一辆能拖拉的“小汽车”。 4.在操场边布置小猫、小熊、小狗、小兔、小羊的形象,并用粉笔画好停车场(场地布置如图)。 5.自制小鱼、萝卜、肉骨头、
Purpose: 1. Learn to listen to the signal to do the action, practice walking and running to the specified direction. 2. cultivate the feelings of protecting small animals. Preparation: 1. Leading children to the crossroads to recognize the traffic light, observe the operation of the vehicle and understand the simple traffic rules (red stop, green stop). 2. With children go to visit the zoo to help children accumulate relevant life experience. 3. Each toddler will decorate the carton into a drag-able “car.” 4. Arrange the image of kittens, cubs, puppies, bunny rabbits and lambs on the playground and paint the parking lot with chalk (the layout of the venue is shown in the figure). 5 homemade fish, radish, meat bones,