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最近一段时间,全省各级党组织按照中央的部署和省委的要求,广泛宣传、精心组织党员、干部和群众认真学习“三个代表”重要思想和胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话,扎实有效地兴起了学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮。省委九届三次全体扩大会议全面、系统地部署了当前改革、发展、稳定和党的建设各项工作,把我省学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮活动推向了新的阶段。喜看今日贵州高原,一个兴起新高潮、开创新局面的学习贯彻热潮,正如火如荼,催人奋进。我们一定要深入贯彻落实省委九届三次全会精神,把兴起学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新高潮,作为当前全省各级党组织首要的政治任务。我们要把“三个代表”重要思想作为统领全局、贯穿各项工作的根本指针,牢牢把握抢抓机遇、加快发展这个主题,加大新阶段扶贫开发工作力度,以改革的精神加强和改进党的建设,巩固和发展我省党的建设和社会主义物质文明、政治文明、精神文明协调发展的可喜局面。 Recently, the Party organizations at all levels across the province conducted extensive publicity campaigns and carefully organized the important thinking of the “three represents” and General Secretary Hu Jintao’s “July 1” important speech by party members, cadres and the masses in light of the arrangements made by the central authorities and the provincial party committees. A solid and effective rise of a new upsurge in studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ The Third Plenary Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress enlarged the overall, systematic deployment of various tasks in the current reform, development, stability and party building and pushed the province’s new culminating activity of studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ to a new stage. Like today’s Guizhou Plateau, a new upsurge, a new situation in the study and implementation of the boom, is in full swing, inspiring. We must thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and take the new upsurge in studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ as the primary political task for the party organizations at all levels in the province today. We must take the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ as the fundamental guideline that guides the overall situation and carry through various tasks, firmly grasp the theme of seizing opportunities and accelerating development, increase efforts in poverty alleviation and development in the new phase, and strengthen and improve with the spirit of reform Party building, consolidating and developing the gratifying situation of the party building in our province and the coordinated development of socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization.
一、大力支持青少年发明创造活动 ,营造发明创新的氛围1.与团中央合作初步定于 7月份在北京举办“全国青年企业家创新论坛”。2 .由中国发明协会高校创造教育分会举办“全国
旅游地居民对旅游影响的感知研究是旅游影响性质及程度研究的重要途径,对于促进旅游业的可持续发展具有极其重要的作用和意义。 本文在对浙江乌镇实地调研的基础上,采用问卷