The earliest descriptions of the “Book of Songs” in China from the “Book of Songs” described the earth light, ground sound and ground damage occurred two years ago (780 BC) before the earthquake in the Western Zhou Dynasty in Shaanxi Province: “Ye Ye Zhendian, restless, rivers boiling, mountains (Mountain mound) collapse, high shore for the valley, the valley for the tomb. ”In the past 20 years, China has occurred several times before the strong earthquake, the earthquake area can hear different voices of different places, Tangshan earthquake also Is no exception.According to the survey, before the Tangshan earthquake 300 km far from the epicenter of the hearing was heard.It is 100 km away from the epicenter of the earthquake in China, 95% of the residents who did not fall asleep before the earthquake had heard the sound before the earthquake . Most of the time distribution appeared in a few hours to minutes before the quake, and a few appeared in the two days before the quake. The sound of the ground heard for a few hours before the earthquake was relatively low with no obvious directionality. Like a large crawler tractor not connected