作者对100例支气管肺癌患者在剖胸术或纵隔探查术前作了肺灌注扫描。男性79例,女性21例。肺灌注扫描的方法是在静脉注射~(131)碘标记巨聚合白蛋白250μCi 或~(99m)锝标记巨聚合白蛋白2.0mCi 后立即用直线式扫描器或闪烁式照相机作扫描测定。并将每个病例的扫描结果和胸部X 线检查作比较。作者把肺扫描结果归成以下三类:(1)供血缺损范围大于肿块者属 L型,共38例。(2)供血缺损范围与肿块相等者属 E 型,共56例。(3)无供血缺损
The authors performed lung perfusion scanning of 100 patients with bronchial lung cancer before transthoracic or mediastinal exploration. There were 79 males and 21 females. Pulmonary perfusion scans were performed with a linear scanner or a scintillation camera immediately after intravenous injection of ~131 iodine-labeled macroaggregated albumin 250 μCi or ~(99 m) guanidine-labeled macroaggregate albumin 2.0 mCi. Compare the scan results of each case with the chest X-ray examination. The authors classified the results of the lung scan into the following three categories: (1) The range of blood supply defects was larger than that of the lump, which was a total of 38 cases. (2) The blood supply defect range and mass were equal to E-type, a total of 56 cases. (3) No blood supply defect