本文截取林丽老师《On summer days》一课中几个精彩的教学片段,从课堂设计之巧妙、追问拓思之精妙和动态生成之绝妙三个方面,阐述了这节课给作者带来的思考与启迪。近日,我有幸观摩了南京市北京东路小学林丽老师执教的《Onsum-merdays》一课,课堂设计巧妙且贴合学生的生活实际,给人以水到渠成、一气呵成之感,留给观摩者无限的赞叹和沉思。一、巧妙——课堂设计新颖独到好的课堂设计是决定一节课成功与否的关键所在,巧妙的教学预设,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能让学生们在不同的游戏活动中体验英语学习的快乐。
This article intercepts several wonderful teaching pieces of “On summer days” class by Lin Li teacher, elaborates the class from the cleverness of class design, Thinking and inspiration. Recently, I was fortunate enough to observe the “Onsum-merdays” lesson taught by Lin Li, a primary school in Beijing East Road, Nanjing. The class was designed ingeniously and in line with the students’ realities of life. Praise and meditation. First, the clever - Classroom novelty Unique classroom design is the key to determining the success of a lesson, clever teaching preset, both to stimulate student interest in learning, but also allow students in different game activities Experience the joy of learning English.