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占尽先机厚积薄发进入2000年,全球开始了第三产业由发达国家向发展中国家大举转移的浪潮,深圳利用身为中国对外开放前沿阵地的优势,大力承接这次国际转移,重点发展现代服务业。经过几年的发展和整合,现代服务业已经成为经济发展的三大支柱之一。目前,该领域聚集了众多跨国公司500强及世界知名企业,至2005年5月,深圳服务业累计实际利用外资95.22亿美元,现存投资总额千万美元以上项目443个。 In 2000, the world started a wave of large-scale transfer of the tertiary industry from the developed countries to the developing countries. Taking advantage of being a frontier position for opening up to the outside world, Shenzhen vigorously undertook this international transfer and focused on the development of modern services industry. After several years of development and integration, the modern service industry has become one of the three pillars of economic development. At present, there are many top 500 multinational corporations and world famous enterprises in the field. As of May 2005, the total actual utilized foreign capital of the service industry in Shenzhen amounted to 9.522 billion U.S. dollars and the existing total investment of 443 projects with a total investment of over 10 million U.S. dollars.
表示推测的情态动词有must,can,could,may,might等。它们在表示推测的时候用来说明说话者的主观看法。 The speculative modal verbs are must, can, could, may, and might
您想让孩子的英语学习与国外同步吗?南京师范大学出版社引进了在国际上反响强烈的《杰克和吉尔的阅读系列》,希望我国的儿童能够跟上国际儿童英语学习的步伐。 Do you want
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邮刊多了,作者自然就多。有的作者邮识渊博,读其邮文可学到不少邮识;即便读到的是某些作者集邮生涯中的一些趣事,也可从中获益。但也有少数邮文, 明显带有“编”的成分,让读