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阅读,是人们吸取文化科学知识的重要手段。培养学生的阅读能力,是小学语文教学的目的之一。 小学生的阅读能力包括哪些项目,应达到什么水平呢?也就是说,如何衡量小学生阅读能力的高低呢?这个问题是比较复杂的,至今我们还没有一套比较科学的阅读能力的指标,只能一般地提出一些要求。 阅读能力,从阅读的方式分包括朗读能力和默读能力;从阅读能力的结构分,一般包括认读语言的能力,理解语言的能力,记忆语言的能力,阅读的速度。即阅读能力是由认读、理解、记忆、速度几种因素构成的。 Reading is an important means for people to absorb cultural and scientific knowledge. Cultivating students’ reading ability is one of the goals of language teaching in primary schools. What are the primary school children’s reading abilities and what level should they reach? That is, how do you measure the level of pupils’ reading ability? This problem is more complicated. To date, we have not yet set a comparatively scientific reading ability indicator. General requests are made. Reading ability includes the ability to read from reading and reading, and from the structure of reading ability, it generally includes the ability to read words, the ability to understand language, the ability to remember words, and the speed of reading. That is, reading ability consists of reading, understanding, memory, and speed.
Pet name即“爱称”、“昵称”,在英语国家使用频率很高。父母叫自己的孩子,父母的朋友等长辈叫晚辈,兄弟姐妹、堂(表)兄弟姐妹之间,熟人朋友之间都常用爱称,甚至不少孩子用
英语和汉语的标点符号有很多相同或相近之处。在教学中,人们也常常因此而疏忽,很少研究比较。然而,学生误用标点的现象,却也常见。例如: (1)She likes singing、dancing but
金秋送爽,丹桂飘香,在这古老京城最美好的金秋十月,由中国工程机械行业自主举办的、具有民族品牌的第九届北京国际工程机械展览与技术交流会(9th BICES)于农展馆圆满落下帷幕
汉族人的男女姓氏,加上名字,姓名一目了然。然而,英、美人单说name,则不甚了了。英国人的姓名,一般由两部分组成。第一部分,英国人叫做Christian name(教名或洗礼名)。美国
A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as bythe company he keeps;for there is a companionship of books as well asof men;and one should always