中班幼儿审美意识已初步形成,他们已开始自觉或不自觉地注意自己和别人穿的衣服。所以,抓住这个时机,开展一次以衣服为认识对象的主题活动,让幼儿看看人们穿的衣服;比一比,大家穿的衣服有哪些地方相同和不同,并对衣服进行分类。这对于丰富幼儿的知识,发展幼儿的观察、对比、分类能力以及语言表述能力都有好处。目的: 1.通过教学活动,使幼儿知道衣服的用途及其各部分的名称。2.通过操作活动和游戏,培养幼儿的分类、概括能力。
Secondary children aesthetic awareness has taken shape, they have begun to consciously or unconsciously pay attention to themselves and others wear clothes. Therefore, to seize this opportunity, we should carry out a thematic campaign of recognizing clothes so that children can see what they wear. In comparison, what we wear is the same and different, and the clothes are classified. This is good for enriching young children’s knowledge, developing young children’s observation, comparison, classification ability and language proficiency. Objectives: 1. Through teaching activities, enable children to know the purpose of the clothes and the names of their parts. 2. Through the operation of activities and games, training children’s classification, general abilities.