
来源 :上海革命史资料与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lalalan
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2002版的《中国共产党历史》第一卷的出版,是党史界的一件大事。这本历经6年、修改12稿的党史著作,反映了自1991年版《中国共产党历史》上卷出版以来,10多年党史界研究(包含中国共产党创建史)的新成果。研读本书后,发现在创建史部分,不仅字数增加了约33000字,比原上卷字数多增近60%,而且在许多内容上都有了重要的修订。对两种版本党史中有关创建史的不同之处进行比较,有助于我们全面了解10多年来创建史研究的新进 The publication of the first volume of the “History of the Communist Party of China” in 2002 is a major event in the history of the party. This six-year revision of the 12th party history books reflects the new achievements made in the research of the Party’s history for more than 10 years (including the history of the founding of the CPC) since its publication in the 1991 edition of the “History of the Communist Party of China.” After reading this book, I found that in creating the history part, not only the number of words has increased by about 33,000 words, but 60% more than the original number of words, and many important revisions have been made. A comparison of the differences between the two versions of the history of the party in the creation of history helps us fully understand the new ten years of history research
If there is a deity in a mountain,the ancients believed,jade is to be found there as well.The ideal location for this semiprecious stone will include the embrac
针对上海外滩通道圆隧道工程的特点及施工难点,介绍了通过采取隔离桩、土体改良以及控制盾构正面土压力等一系列有效的施工技术措施,使直径14.27 m土压平衡盾构顺利下穿外滩
掤 劲 泛指由内向外发的弹性力。身有掤劲,犹如气充周身,支撑八面。推手时,既具有缓冲承接来力的棚架作用,又有黏随其去而掷之的崩发作用,掤劲须生于腰腿,加以意气。  捋 劲 泛指顺对方来势,由内向外或由前向后牵引的力。推手中以捋劲改变对方来力方向,或舒散其劲,使之不聚于一点,运用时要坐腿、松臂、转腰。  挤 劲 泛指一种向外推挤,逼使对方不得运劲的力。推手时,将以横置小臂推击对方的动作称为“挤”,是
我的心灵之花之所以永生为她开放,只因为她爱子、爱夫、爱家、爱生活。 The reason why the flower of my heart is open to her forever is because she loves her, loves
<正> 关于日语被动助词的语法功能、日语被动句的句子结构,多年来已有若干文章予以探讨。然而日语在什么情况下、如何使用被动表达,仍有值得研究之处。请看例句: ? (A.决 B.