针对民航飞机动态飞行可视化中滞后和跳跃问题,研究并提出了一种基于预测的民航飞机实时轨迹可视化算法.算法包括轨迹点预测,目标点行进和误差修正三部分.轨迹点预测基于GM(1,1)算法进行改进,在每次迭代时依据所有先验点和搜索方向动态调整发展系数.目标点行进基于预测坐标点提出TSUS(Time Slice Uniform Speed)算法,TSUS算法保证了在既定时间内目标确实移动到目的地,且能够根据初始速度方向调整轨迹弧度.误差修正采用分段式误差修正策略,以平衡不同情况下精确性和实用性.实验表明,提出的算法模型可用于民航飞机可视轨迹渲染中,且能获得良好的效果,提高系统的可用性和用户体验.
Aiming at the problem of hysteresis and jumping in the dynamic flight visualization of civil aviation aircraft, a prediction algorithm based on prediction for real-time trajectory of civil aviation aircraft is proposed. The algorithm includes trajectory prediction, target point travel and error correction.The trajectory prediction is based on GM , 1) The algorithm is improved to dynamically adjust the development factor according to all a priori points and search directions at each iteration. The target point travel is based on the predicted coordinate points (TSUS). The TSUS algorithm ensures that within a given time The target does move to the destination and the trajectory radian can be adjusted according to the initial velocity.The error correction adopts the segmented error correction strategy to balance the accuracy and practicability in different situations.The experiment shows that the proposed algorithm can be used in civil aircraft View trajectory rendering, and can get good results, improve system availability and user experience.