In this paper, we use two 12-year experimental results (one for snow cover × fertilizer use and the other for tillage) to create a regression model for estimating hard-red spring wheat yield on semi-arid steppe stubble : Y = 10O6 ten 10.53WU-0. O17WU2 + 5.52FN-0.095FN ’- 33.16SN + 0.436SN’ - 0.112 (FNXSN) +0.057 (FNXWU) + G 159 (SNXWU) -1.26DD (R’-0.89, P-0.001, N-262), Y-grain yield (kg / hm2), WU an estimated water use amount A soil test N (kg / hmz), FN. N fertilizer usage (kg / hm :), DD is> SC of the number of days. Water use is 0 ~ 1. Zm deep soil spring before sowing available moisture ten in May IH to August 31 rainfall ten irrigation water, sN is measured in autumn 0 ~ 0.6cm deep NO. A N amount. The pattern was verified with two more tests of the Saskatchewan cinnamon zone. The results show that when SN <55kg / 1. This model provides a reasonable estimate of yield on fine, medium and coarse loam soils with extensive water use zones.