拍摄地点:新疆维吾尔自治区,奎屯市/拍摄时间:9月21日,12:05INFO:佳能7D,F8,1/160s,ISO 200红山大峡谷隐藏在奎屯市平坦的戈壁和绵延起伏的山峦之间。峡谷两侧由红、黄、蓝、绿、褐和紫色的砂石形成断层,经历上万年的风雨侵蚀和水流冲刷,造就出一条色彩多变的幽深巨谷,层层褶皱苍劲而壮丽。大峡谷不仅奇在刀削斧劈的崖壁,更美
Location: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Kuitun City / Time: September 21, 12:05 INFO: Canon 7D, F8, 1 / 160s, ISO 200 Hongshan Grand Canyon hidden in the Kuytun plain Gobi and rolling hills between. On both sides of the canyon, faults of red, yellow, blue, green, brown and purple sandstone form a fault. After years of storm erosion and water erosion, the canyon creates a deep and colorful valley of varied colors with vigorous and magnificent layers. Not only is the Valley of the Grand Canyon surprisingly clever ax, more beautiful