Our understanding of this issue is somewhat superficial. Sometimes, the actors think it’s easy to understand, so it’s easy to think of the seeds of the show. But sometimes they find it hard to catch seeds. Now let us give an example to analyze this issue. Let’s take a look at one of the ’seeds’ of the most vivid and easily understood play: Gorky’s ’enemy’ seed. The seeds of this show are outstanding and clear, and the name of the script itself has been revealed. On the one hand, the working class; on the other hand, landlords, owners and exploiters. To the right is the most ferocious Mikhail Sskobatov, the exploiters, his associates Barkin, the general, the captain of the gendarmerie, the officers and so on. On the left are the workers, among them Sinofloh. Each character is vivid, unique, in line with the stage requirements. Each character gives the actor to play skills, hair