1995年1月17日神户大地震摧毁了日本最大的集装箱港口。极大多数码头受损,全部订止作业;部分码头倒塌或沉没,不能再靠船了;大部分装卸桥倾覆。连接六甲岛和港湾岛的桥梁倒塌。岛上的码头建在人工填筑土地之上,装卸该港的极大部分集装箱。日本地质学家认为码头地基可能因为受地震强烈震动后,发生液状化,使码头下沉。 震后,亚洲许多地方受到影响,马来西业、泰国和菲律宾的工厂装配线因日本零部件供应不上而相继停工,今后对亚洲空运和快件运输都会发生影响。
January 17, 1995 Kobe earthquake destroyed Japan’s largest container port. Most of the wharfs were damaged and all operations were stopped. Some of the wharfs collapsed or sunk and could no longer be docked. Most of the loading and unloading bridges were overturned. The bridge connecting Liujia Island and Harbor Island collapsed. The island’s piers are built above land reclaimed by man and loaded with most of the containers in the port. Japanese geologists believe that the pier foundation may be liquefied because of the strong earthquake and the sinking of the pier. In the aftermath of the earthquake, many parts of Asia were affected. The assembly lines in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines were shut down due to the supply of Japanese spare parts. In the future, both air and express shipment in Asia will be affected.