美洲印地安人与中国人的关系,早已是世界人类学家共同关心的话题,目前已取得了突破性的进展。在我国陆续出版了三本有着这方面研究的专著,分别为《中华祖先拓荒美洲》、《谁先到达美洲》和《几近褪色的纪录》,它们从不同的侧面,证明了以下事实:中国人不仅是最早到达了美洲,而且是美洲印第安人的祖先。这方面的证据可以从历史记载、地理环境、当时生产力水平等方面引以论证:在历史记载中,《山海经》、《诗经·商颂》等都有过有关美洲的记述。《山海经》是世界上第一部地理著作,根据美国作者亨莉埃特·默茨女士(Henriette Mertz)的考证,发现《山海经·大荒东经》中的记述,几乎完全是北美洲的山水图画,如《东山经》之首:从“斯威特沃特河”开始,到“德朗德河”为止;《山海经》第四篇第二经,自温尼伯戈西斯河开始,一直到马萨特兰港为止;第四篇第三经,自费尔韦塞山开始,到圣·巴巴拉为止,这些
The relationship between the Native Americans and the Native Americans has long been a topic of common concern for the world anthropologists and breakthroughs have been made so far. Three monographs on this topic were published in China, namely, “The Ancestors of the Middle Ages in the Americas,” “Whoever Arrives in the Americas,” and “Nearly Fading Records,” which prove the following facts from different sides: China Not only did people arrive in the Americas as early as, but also as an ancestor of American Indians. The evidence in this respect can be argued from the historical records, the geographical environment and the level of productivity at that time: In the historical records, there are accounts of the Americas in Shan Hai Jing, The Book of Songs, Shangsong, etc. The Book of Mountains and Seas is the first geographical work in the world. According to the research of American writer Henriette Mertz, it is found that the account of “Shan Hai Jing · Great Wild East” is almost entirely the landscape of North America Picture, such as the head of the “Dongshan Jing”: Starting from the “Sweetwater River” to “Drang River”; “Shan Hai Jing” fourth fourth, since Winnipeg The Sith River begins until the port of Mazatlan; the third of the fourth, starting with the Fairbelly Mountain, until St. Barbara, these