Optical stack filters using parallel fuzzy logic

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzc5812286
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Stack filters are more general and robust nonlinear filters than median filter, which possess threshold decomposition and stacking properties. Stack filters can be carried out one step using optical parallel fuzzy logic technique instead of three steps in threshold decomposition. All window, width 3 stack filters but two trivial stack filters are expressed in unified expression with coefficiencies to choose desired stack filter, so they are realized by an optical approach, window 3×3 separable stack filters can be realized by cascading the window width 3 stack filters. Window width 5 stack filters can be realized using the same method. Stack filters are more general and robust nonlinear filters than median filter, which possess threshold decomposition and stacking properties. Stack filters can be carried out one step using optical parallel fuzzy logic technique instead of three steps in threshold decomposition. but two trivial stack filters are expressed in unified expression with coefficiencies to choose desired stack filter, so they are realized by an optical approach, window 3 × 3 separable stack filters can be realized by cascading the window width 3 stack filters. Window width 5 stack filters can be realized using the same method.
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