The changing displays of affection in public between Chinese couples

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  【Abstract】Public displays of affection (PDA) are acts of physical intimacy in the view of others. Nowadays, young Chinese couples are more direct to show their affection in public than the old generations. It is so prevalent that a new Chinese word has been emerged to describe this behavior-Xiuenai. This paper focus on the changing PDA between Chinese couples, and it has provided possible underlying reasons.
  【Key words】Public displays of affection; old generation; Chinese young couples
  1. The research background
  Romantic love is an important emotion for human beings. Under the influences of Confucianism, Chinese are prudish and not expert in expressing love. For many elder Chinese, they convey love through silent devotion and they feel embarrassed to show their love no matter in public or secret. The younger generations especially current young couples are changing a lot. They dare to show their love no matter where they are. What is an acceptable display of affection varies with respect with culture and context.
  2. The different public displays of affection among different periods in China
  In ancient China, there is an old saying that men and women should not sit on the same bed if they are above seven years old. At that time, the majority of Chinese advocated that the relationship between women and men should be alienated and estranged. The Revolution of 1911 overthrew dictatorship of Qing Dynasty. Sun Yat-sen-the leader of the revolution had released many announcements to loosen the tie between both sexes. Since the implementation of the policies of reform and opening-up, many foreign ideas greatly impact on Chinese especially the western democratic equality. The PDA after Reform and Opening is changing a lot, and people become more open-minding.
  3 The reasons of these changing behaviors
  3.1 The emerging individualistic factors
  According to the definition of the Hofstede, China should be classified as a collectivistic culture where groups’ goals take precedence over individuals’ goals.1In ancient China, extended family is the basic unit of society and members’ behaviors are largely determined by the family members. Nowadays, the nuclear family has been introduced into China and the number of family members has decreased dramatically with the policy of family planning. These young generations are raised in a more independent and unrestrained family atmosphere.   3.2 The decrease of the power distance
  China has been seen as a large power distance country1. According to Confucius, filial piety requires children to respect their parents in appropriate manners. In ancient China, children have to follow the instructions of parents which inherit from generations to generations. According to the Expectancy Violations Theory, every society has its expectancies in special context among different time2. Therefore, it is difficult for those children to do something violating the social norms at that time. After Reform and Opening, many fresh western ideas flushing to China challenge the traditional Chinese concepts. The relationship between parents and children is changing over times. The power distance between parents and children is decreasing. Younger generations have their free will. While these young people hold a more relaxed attitude toward PDA.
  3.3 PDA as a way to earn “face”
  PDA can not only be a way to show one’s love but a way to earn “face”. It is understandable that in some certain situation such as in front of ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, people are more willing to display their affection. Why? Because they think it is a way to earn “face”. China as a collectivistic country, people prefer other oriented facework3. Even some couples may not have such a good relationship, they will do their best to try to pretend or perform their good relation. Young couples who have those excessive PDA are all pretty, wearing fancy clothes or at least confident with their partners. These all indicate that these people want others to have a favorable image of them.
  4. Conclusion
  PDA as a part of nonverbal communication has its unique manifestation in China. Although China has been seen as a conservative country, it has changed a lot. The Chinese become more individualistic and the power distance has been decreasing over time. The increase of PDA is one aspect caused by these changings.
  [1]Hofstede Geert,Gert Jan Hofstede,and Michael Minkov Cultures andOrganizations:Software of the Mind[M].McGraw-Hill,2010,Print.
  [2]杜瑞清,田得新,李本现.跨文化交际学[M].西安交通大学出版社, 2010,Print.
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入,中职英语教师均在不断探讨提高课堂教学成效的有效策略。中职英语是必修课程之一,承担着为中职学生就业和升学的双重责任,深入研究 提高中职英语课堂教学成效的策略意义重大。本文基于作者多年的中职英语教学经验,提出了激发学生兴趣、构建教学情景、开展分层教学这三种教学策略,旨在为同行提供借鉴  【关键词】中职;英语;课堂教学;成效;策略  【作者简介】肖燕(1983.10),女,
【摘要】当前,伴随着教育体制改革的深入和发展,国家和教育部门加大了对教学手段和教学模式的改革和创新力度,从而促进学校的教学水平不断提升,教学质量更加具有保障。高职英语作为高职教育中的重要学科内容,有助于培养学生的英语知识,提高他们对英语的掌握能力和运用能力,为了进一步提升高职英语的教学效果,本文探讨了基于慕课背景的混合式教学模式在高职英语教学中的运用,从而促进高职英语教育体系更加完善。  【关键词
【摘要】商务英语专业作为一个新兴的专业,发展时间并不是很长。虽然学者们已经摸索了一些专业人才培养的经验,但是对于很多高校的商务英语专业来说,其人才培养目标并没有特别清晰,因而也没有合适的人才培养的评价方式和体系。本文以武汉商学院商务英语专业为例,分析了现有人才培养方案中,评价体系存在的问题。基于OBE的理念,探究能解决现有问题的方案并提出适合该专业学生的人才培养评价体系。  【关键词】OBE;商务
【摘要】最近几年,关联理论在语言运用研究领域的影响较大。高中英语作为一门语言学科比非语言学科更关注学生听说写译等语言运用能力的培养。为了提高高中英语写作教学实效性,文本针对关联理论在高中英语写作教学中的应用进行研究。  【关键词】高中英语;写作教学;关联理论  【作者简介】张生昇,江苏省高邮市送桥中学。  随着高中英语新课程理念的提出和普及,学生英语写作能力的培养越来越受到重视。大多数高中学生也有
【摘要】随着社会经济发展的全球化和社会的信息化,英语作为世界通用语,其重要地位在世界语言潮流中不言而喻。目前国内高中生在学习英语的过程中面临着许多问题,因此高效学习英语,提高英语应用能力的重要性日益突出。  【关键词】英语教学中文化的渗透;全英教学  【作者简介】陈燕,黄冈中学惠州学校。  担任高中英语教师以来,曾遇见过不少基础不佳的学生发誓要把英语学好。于是买回一本《新东方英语词汇》,每天背诵若
【摘要】如今在全新的教学理念下,中职英语课已经不仅仅是在枯燥地学习过程中掌握英语知识和技能,而是要将培养学生们的创新、创造能力、激发学生们的学习热情当作教学的重点。作为教师就应当突破传统教学观念的束缚,参透新的教材理念,优化教学结构,在日常英语教学中尝试多种创新教学法。  【关键词】创新教学法;激趣法;情景创设法;任务教学法;课外合作教学法  【作者简介】刘影(1978.12.18-),女,辽宁本
【摘要】由于经济社会发展的脚步越来越快,新课程也在社会的发展进步之下进行了一场改革,社会各界对英语教学的改革持续关注,然而英语思维能力的培养是对学生学习英语的关键。本文根据对现实初中生的英语学习现状进行分析,并且提出有效的解决策略,提升初中生对学习英语产生兴趣,从而就会提高英语的思维能力,最后提升初中生的综合素质。  【关键词】初中英语;思维能力;培养;提升;综合素质  随着经济社会的逐渐发展,我
【摘要】商务英语在上世纪60~80年代由西方国家提出,随后在世界各个国家作为一门学科广泛开展。在商务英语之中涉及政治、经济、管理等多方面的内容,在经济全球化的趋势背景下,商务英语在企业管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用,本文中笔者将对商务英语在企业管理中的具体应用及其重要性做出相关阐述。  【关键词】商务英语;企业管理;应用;重要性  【作者简介】赵冰如,山东省聊城第一中学。  前言  自中国加入世界贸
一、研究背景  1.研究的重要性。语言是一种由语音、语法和词汇组成的交流方式,其中语音是最基本的元素,另外两个是通过语音来表现的(冯