今年7月1日,国家体委的机关刊物《新体育》,度过了一个不平凡的生日。 不平凡之处在于,它“生”逢其时,在欢庆自己的45周岁生日时,正值国务院颁布《全民健身计划纲要》,我国的全民健身事业进入了一个新的发展时期,这为《新体育》书写新的篇章,建立新的功绩,提供了更加广阔的舞台和极好的契机。更令人振奋的是,江泽民总书记和李鹏总理分别为《新体育》创刊45周年题词,这对整个体育战线的同志都是巨大的鼓舞,这是第三代中央领导集体对我们的殷切期望,赋予我们体育工作的历史使命。对《新体育》来说,生日降大任,更是大喜、大荣、大幸!
July 1 this year, the National Sports Commission’s institutional publication “New Sports”, spent an extraordinary birthday. What is remarkable about this is that at its “birthday,” it celebrated its 45th birthday at a time when the State Council promulgated the “Outline of a National Fitness Program.” The cause of nationwide fitness for our country has entered a new period of development. “New Sports” to write a new chapter, create new merit, provides a broader stage and excellent opportunity. Even more exciting is that General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng respectively inscribed the 45th anniversary of “New Sports,” which is a great encouragement to the entire sports comrades. This is the ardent expectation of our third generation of central leadership , Give us the historical mission of sports work. For the “new sports”, birthday drops, it is overjoyed, Daiei, great luck!