呼风唤雨 记中国第一艘增雨炮艇

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2004年6月1日,广东东莞东江。这一天东江沿岸和江心好不热闹。江中,几叶龙舟在为即将到来的端午节龙舟赛进行热身训练,铿锵而有节奏的锣鼓声,响彻江面。而在两岸,许多过节的小朋友在驻足观看,时而为精彩的场面叫好,江上、岸边的气氛合在一起,达到高潮。突然,一艘白色的快艇从江龙船厂的滑道车间飙出,驾驶舱顶的警灯闪烁,更令人惊讶的是,快艇尾部竖立着一座火箭发射架,直指长空。在龙舟上观敌了阵的鼓手发现了快艇,挥舞的鼓棰一下停在了半空;划桨者听不到了鼓声,停桨抬头,一双双睁大的眼睛紧紧盯住了快艇;两岸的 June 1, 2004, Dongjiang, Dongguan, Guangdong. This day along the Dongjiang River and the heart is not busy. In the middle of the river, a few leafy dragon boats warm-up for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Race training, sonorous and rhythmic gongs and drums, resounding the river. On the two sides of the strait, many festive children are watching and sometimes applauding the spectacular scene. The atmosphere on the river and the shore is brought together and culminated. Suddenly a white speedboat soared from the skidding shop at Jianglong Shipyard. The warning light flashed on the top of the cockpit. Even more surprising, a rocket launcher was erected at the tail of the speedboat, pointing to the sky. The drummer, who had seen the enemy on the dragon boat, found the speedboat and waved the drums and stopped in the air. The paddlers could not hear the drums and stopped their pitchforks. They kept their eyes firmly on the speedboat with their eyes wide open. of
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