The Economic Impact of Chinese Dialects

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snesw
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  Although Chinese culture is a complete unity, it shows great diversity in regional culture including languages because of its large population and numerous nationalities. In recent years, dialects, as an important representative of culture, are becoming increasingly popular among economists because of its non-negligible impact on economics. Also, the various types of Chinese dialects has provided a good data sample to econometric. Therefore, this article makes a conclusion about the present research on the impact of dialects in three levels, that is labor force, enterprise and macroeconomic.
  At the level of labor force, dialect diversity will influence the social relations and individual ability of labor force, thus affecting their income and work quality. Ma Shuang et al. (2018) studied the influence of dialect diversity in migrant areas on the accumulation of social capital of migrant workers, and found that dialect diversity reduces the income level of workers by impeding the development of their social network. Cheng Bo(2017) found that language diversity reduced the quality of analysts’ earnings forecast, while the education level of employees would weaken the negative impact of language diversity on the quality of analysts’ earnings forecast. And the key to this problem is to improve Mandarin. By analyzing the data of Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS) and China Labor and Dynamics Survey (CLDS), Chen Yuanyuan (2016) finds that one’s improvement in Mandarin, including listening and speaking, can approximately increase his income by 3%-4% among the floating population with different dialects in service industries.
  However, the ability to speak a certain dialect can bring workers several advantages in the region of that dialect, such as the improvement in wages of the migrant workers that can speak Shanghai’s dialect in Shanghai’s sales-related service industries (Chen et al.,2014). The reason for the benefit is that an identical dialect not only breaks communication barriers, but also shows cultural identity, making local consumers trust them more with a similar cultural background. According to Liu Yuyun (2015), the diversity in dialects also blocks labor mobility, showing an inverted U relationship, and in turn impedes the integration of markets. Also, the similarity in dialects can improve the management efficiency (Dai Yiyi, 2017) and merger performance.
  At the enterprise level, the diversity of dialects will lead to the decline of internal efficiency, but some studies have shown that it is beneficial to the innovation output. Milliken and Maetins (1996) analyzed the micro impact of diversity at the enterprise level and found that diversity reduced the cohesion of the team and increased the cost of cooperation. Parrotta et al. (2012) used enterprise samples to find that age and ethnic diversity lower the production capacity of enterprises. However, Pan Yue (2017) used the number of urban dialects and dialect differentiation index to measure regional cultural diversity, and empirically studied its impact on enterprise innovation. The results showed that in regions with more diverse cultures, private high-tech enterprises would gain more innovative output.   At the macroeconomic level, the impact of dialect diversity on the economy is mainly negative.
  Firstly, the diversity of dialects is an important factor widening the psychological distance between people and thus leads to a sense of distrust which will stimulate conflicts and further affect economic development. In this level, there are few studies that take dialect diversity as the proxy variable of cultural diversity. However, there are some economists using ethnic diversity to represent cultural diversity in foreign studies, and the effect of both is the same. Alesin
【摘要】本文對克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)的戏剧《浮士德博士的悲剧》中“七宗罪”的五宗罪进行阐释,利用具体文本内容指出每种罪所体现出的浮士德博士的性格缺陷及此性格下对后续故事发展所造成的影响,并探讨剧中“七宗罪”出现的原因和在浮士德博士性格中所体现的五宗罪与七宗罪的关系。  【关键词】浮士德博士的性格缺陷与五宗罪的对应;剧中“七宗罪”出现的原因;“七宗罪”与五宗罪的关
在一线教师的探究教学实践中,我们常常会见到学生的两种极端表现:要么思维停滞、场面冷清,探究活动变成教师的“独角戏”,要么七嘴八舌、场面热闹,仔细观察却是浮光掠影,探究的效果不能令人满意。同时,由于学生思维参与度参差不齐,有些课堂几乎成为优秀学生的表演秀,久而久之,学困生便丧失了思考的兴趣,成了“思维的懒汉”。如何运用探究教学提高学生的思维参与度,我在教学实践中,有这样几点感悟。  一、科学设计探究
教师的教学立足于教材,但不能盲目迷信教材。研读分析教材并质疑教材内容,灵活地处理教材,有利于培养师生的创新思维能力,构建学生科学合理的知识结构。本文以《地理(七下)》(人教版)《美国》一节中的“移民国家”为例,谈一下对该部分教材内容的几点思考。  思考一  教材P80这样表述:“印第安人是美国的土著居民,今天居住在美国的白人、黑人和亚洲黄种人都是在近200多年的时间里移入美国的。”笔者认为,教材中
【摘要】 词汇学习策略作为外语学习策略的重要组成部分,是提高词汇学习效率、培养学生自主学习能力的保证。掌握有效的词汇学习策略有助于学生取得良好的学习效果。  【关键词】高中生;词汇学习;建议  【作者简介】邱欢,如皋泗阳北京路实验学校。  词汇技能是英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能的基础。词汇学习一直是英语学习中最困难和最重要的部分。学生们尽力去背诵英语单词,却往往进入一种奇怪的现象,即背诵—记忆—
【摘要】大学英语教师的发展与其所处的生态环境密切相关。本文以教育生态学为理论基础,将大学英语教师作为一个生态因子,结合大学英语教师的发展环境现状,提出构建最适合大学英语教师不断发展的和谐的生态环境,以寻求个体与环境的共同发展。  【关键词】大学英语教师;教育生态学;生态环境  【作者简介】 赵伟(1965-),女,辽宁鞍山人, 鞍山师范学院外国语学院,副教授,硕士,研究方向:文学和应用语言学。  
【摘要】为促使学习者具备良好的适应信息技术的进步以及全球化发展的能力,高中英语教学不能仅关注对学习者词汇、语法等语言读写能力的培养。教师应着眼于学生的全面发展,通过设置多种形式的学习任务、多元化的学习材料和学习方式,下促进学生多元读写能力的提升。  【关键词】多元读写能力;高中英语教学;多模态  【作者简介】沈灿,四川师范大学。  一、介绍  传统意义上的高中英语教学有诸多缺陷,例如:过度重视语法