教官地位的卑下始终是明代社会一个重要问题,探讨其形成、发展和影响,不仅对加深明代教育史的研究有重要意义,而且可以从一个侧面揭示明中后期士风吏治日趋颓坏的原因。一明代教官卑下的基本格局是洪武时期确定的,主要表现有以下几个方面: 1、秩别卑下朱元璋虽一再强调教师职能的重要性,但他并不承认教师职业的特殊性,而是强把其纳入官本位系统之内,且置于这一系统之末。如国子祭酒身为“天下师表”、位列教官之首,必由他亲选
It is not only significant to deepen the study of the history of education in Ming Dynasty, but also to reveal the reasons why the administration of the officials in the middle and late Ming Dynasty is declining. The basic structure of an instructors humbled during the Ming Dynasty was determined during the Hongwu period, mainly in the following aspects: 1. While humble in quality Zhu Yuanzhang, while emphasizing the importance of teachers ’functions repeatedly, did not recognize the particularity of teachers’ occupation but rather Put it within the official standard system and put it at the end of this system. Such as the National Sacrifice wine as “world teacher table ”, ranked first in the instructors, will be his pro-election