The concept of “cultural China” has multiple meanings. First is the diversification of spiritual sources. In addition to Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and various religious and philosophical ideas are their spiritual sources. Second, ethnic Chinese in different regions or foreign learners interested in Chinese culture, In the imagination of the researcher, “cultural China” has different meanings, and makes the same Chinese culture go to different regions of the world to form different appearances, presenting different modalities that are closely linked with the interpreter’s cultural background. In fact, Is an important symbol of Chinese culture to the world, but also the new vitality of Chinese culture in cross-cultural exchange and integration. Based on the comprehension of the multiple meanings of the concept of “Culture China”, the paper also probes into the literary teaching of foreign students and probes into the differences from the traditional literary teaching in the aspects of teaching purpose, choice and explanation of teaching materials, teaching methods and evaluation.