
来源 :历史教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiyang1983
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二、中国古代民族史的教与学以上主要依据调查与测试的结果 ,对学生民族关系史学习心理进行了剖析。由于教学是教师、学生、教学材料、媒体手段等多种变量相互作用的结果 ,我们在研究中还对教师的教学心理进行了调查与测试 ① 。调查与测试结果为 :第一 ,民族史难教。难教的原 Second, the teaching and learning of ancient Chinese history of ethnic groups The above mainly based on the results of surveys and tests on students history of ethnic relations to conduct an analysis of psychology. As teaching is the result of the interaction of many variables such as teachers, students, teaching materials and media, we also investigated and tested the teaching psychology of teachers. The investigation and test results are as follows: First, ethnic history is hard to teach. Difficult to teach the original
一、开放式学习环境创设的意义    长期以来,初中历史教学由于种种原因成为“死记硬背”的代名词,教师、学生在教与学中越来越感到无益又无味。今后历史教学的出路在哪里呢?根据有关学习动力心理测验的结果发现,大部分学生并不缺乏毅力,也并非被学习压力弄得太压抑,而是对学习缺少意义上的认识。尽管这只是一个教学班的测量结果,但却给教学以新的启示:如何在教学中适当通过健全人格的培养,以调适学习心理状态而取得最佳