Experimental research on bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with different surface configurations

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:damitanqq
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Based on the Canadian Standards Association(CSA) criterion,experiments on 30 pull-out specimens were conducted to study the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with 8 different surface configurations.Each rebar was embedded in a 150 mm concrete cube,and the test embedded length was four times of the rebar diameter.Relationship between the mode of failure,the average bond strength and the average bond strength-slip for each rebar was analyzed.Results show that the failure mode of all specimens is the shearing off or desquamation of ribs,no splitting cracks appear on the cube specimens.The bond stress of deformed GFRP rebars mainly depends on the mechanical interaction between the ribs of the bar and the surrounding concrete,and the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars is improved obviously.The optimal rib spacing is less than 2.5 times of the rebar diameter,and the rib height is more than 3% of the rebar diameter. Based on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) criterion, experiments on 30 pull-out specimens were conducted to study the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with 8 different surface configurations. Each rebar was embedded in a 150 mm concrete cube, and the test embedded length was four times the rebar diameter. Relationship between the mode of failure, the average bond strength and the average bond strength-slip for each rebar was analyzed. Results show that the failure mode of all specimens is the shearing off or desamation of ribs , no splitting cracks appear on the cube specimens.The bond stress of deformed GFRP rebars mainly depends on the mechanical interaction between the ribs of the bar and the surrounding concrete, and the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars is improved. The optimal rib spacing is less than 2.5 times of the rebar diameter, and the rib height is more than 3% of the rebar diameter.
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