我院于1980年5月收治1例弥漫性肺间质纤维化患者,现报告如下: 患者63岁,男性。因咳喘、进行性呼吸困难10年,持续性发热症状加重1月,于1980年5月10日入院。患者从1970年一次感冒后发热咳喘,此后,病情逐年加重,反复肺部感染,入院前一个月无何诱因持续发热,体温38~39.6℃,咯黄痰,呼吸困难进行性加重而急诊入院。既往患“慢支”20年。体检:体温39.6℃,脉搏98次,呼吸36次,血压110/70,重病容,口唇紫绀,杆状指趾,双肺闻及散在湿性罗音,心界向两侧扩大,心率106次,心律绝对不齐,肝脾来及。白细胞总数8500~11000,中性粒细胞89%,血沉88mm/h,IgG300u/ml,IgA225u/ml,IgM72u/ml,血尿素氮30.8mg/dl,CO_2CP29.1V%,蛋白电泳,γ球蛋白25.8%。血气检测:pH7.48,PCO_2 33.5mmHg,
In our hospital in May 1980 admitted a case of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis, are as follows: The patient was 63 years old, male. Due to cough, progressive dyspnea for 10 years, persistent fever increased in January, was admitted on May 10, 1980. Patients from a cold in 1970 after a fever cough and asthma, then, the condition increased year by year, repeated lung infections, one month before admission no incentive for persistent fever, body temperature 38 ~ 39.6 ℃, slightly yellow sputum, dyspnea progressive exacerbations and emergency admission . Past suffering from “chronic bronchitis” for 20 years. Physical examination: body temperature 39.6 ℃, pulse 98 times, breathing 36 times, blood pressure 110/70, seriously ill, cyanotic lips, rod-shaped toes, lungs and scattered in the wet rales, heart to both sides of the enlarged heart rate 106 times, Rhythm is absolutely missing Qi, liver and spleen and. The total number of white blood cells was 8500 ~ 11000, neutrophil 89%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 88mm / h, IgG300u / ml, IgA225u / ml, IgM72u / ml, blood urea nitrogen 30.8mg / dl, CO_2CP29.1V% %. Blood gas detection: pH7.48, PCO_2 33.5mmHg,