吕同德──江苏省丹阳师范附属小学一名普普通通的教师。从教38年的他,蘸尽心血写春秋,孜孜以求育桃李。38年来,他一直担任着中学、小学班主任,并兼任了12年的学校教导主任、教科室主任。 文学泰斗托尔斯泰曾说过:“如果教师既爱人的事业,又爱他的学生,那么他就是
Lu Tong-de-Danyang Normal Elementary School in Jiangsu Province, an ordinary teacher. From 38 years teaching him, dipped effort to write the Spring and Autumn, assiduously cultivate peaches and plums. For 38 years, he has served as a middle school, primary school teacher, and served as 12 years of school director, director of the department. Tolstoy, the literary legend, once said: "If a teacher loves a man’s career and loves his student, then he is