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Objective To confirmed reliability and feasibility of intranasal nerve growth factor (NGF) bypassing the blood-brain barrier and its potential neuroprotective effects on acute cerebral ischemia. Methods (1) To assay NGF concentrations in different brain regions after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO).Rats were randomly divided into intranasal (IN) NGF, intravenous (IV) NGF, and untreated group (n= 4). The concentra-tions of NGF of different brain regions in the three groups after MCAO were measured by ELISA. (2) To observe neuro-protective action of NGF on focal cerebral ischemic damage. Rats were randomly assigned to 4 groups: IN vehicle, IN NGF, IV vehicle, IV NGF (n= 8). Treatment was initiated 30 minutes after onset of MCAO and given again 24 hours later. Three neurologic behavioral tests were performed 24 and 48 hours following onset of MCAO. Corrected infarct volumes were determined 48 hours after onset of MCAO. Results The olfactory bulb in IN NGF group obtained the highest concentration (3252 pg/g) of NGF among all regions, followed by the hippocampus. The NGF concentrations in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus in IN NGF group were markedly higher than that in IV NGF and control groups. The infarct volume in IN NGF group was markedly reduced by 38.8% compared with IN vehicle group. IN NGF group vestibulum function markedly improved compared with IN vehicle group at 24 and 48 hours after onset of MCAO (P 24 h = 0.02 and P 48 h = 0.04, respectively). Conclusion Intranasal NGF could pass through the blood-brain barrier, reach the central nervous system, reduce infarct volume, and improve neurologic function in rats following MCAO. Intranasal delivery of NGF may be a promising treat-ment for stroke. Objective To confirm the feasibility and feasibility of intranasal nerve growth factor (NGF) bypassing the blood-brain barrier and its potential neuroprotective effects on acute cerebral ischemia. Methods (1) To assay NGF concentrations in different brain regions after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) .Rats were randomly divided into intranasal (IN) NGF, intravenous (IV) NGF, and untreated group (n = 4). The concentra tions of NGF of different brain regions in the three groups after MCAO were measured by ELISA The rats were randomly assigned to 4 groups: IN vehicle, IN NGF, IV vehicle, IV NGF (n = 8). Treatment was initiated 30 minutes after onset of MCAO and given again 24 hours later. Three neurologic behavioral tests were performed 24 and 48 hours following onset of MCAO. Corrected infarct volumes were determined after 48 hours after onset of MCAO. Results The olfactory bulb in I The NGF group obtained the highest concentration (3252 pg / g) of NGF among all regions, followed by the hippocampus. The NGF concentrations in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus in IN NGF group were markedly higher than that in IV NGF and control groups. The infarct volume in IN NGF group was markedly reduced by 38.8% compared with IN vehicle group. IN NGF group vestibulum function markedly improved compared with IN vehicle group at 24 and 48 hours after onset of MCAO (P 24 h = 0.02 and P 48 h = 0.04, respectively). Conclusion Intranasal NGF could pass through the blood-brain barrier, reach the central nervous system, reduce infarct volume, and improve neurologic function in rats following MCAO. Intranasal delivery of NGF may be promising treat-ment for stroke.
本文从村民自治过程中所出现的由于自下而上的监督弱化甚至虚化而导致的农民负担过重、村务决策专制、管理非规范化以及乡镇政府权力失控等现象 ,提出了无党性派别的民监会 ,
网络已从阅读信息的方式演变发展为交互式、个性化且可编程的媒介。本文在此深入探讨如何从Web 2.0技术中获益。 The web has evolved from the way information is read in
为探索软弱长石石英砂岩骨料配制的混凝土性能 ,对坚硬的铁质砂岩和软弱石英砂岩骨料混凝土进行了对比试验研究。本文介绍了软弱长石石英砂岩骨料特性及其配制的混凝土基本性
“解放者“们努力改善条件,提高待遇,提供保障,美化环境,从而点燃了企业员工的无限创造力与激情,因此取得非凡卓越的成就。  启蒙思想家卢梭有句名言:人生而自由,但又无往不在枷锁之中。  摆脱枷锁,解放自我,是人之追求。人类的发展史,本质上是一部解放史。历史上三次社会大分工,实际上也是三次大解放:第一大分工是将畜牧业者从农业中解放出来;第二次大分工是将手工业者从农业中解放出来;第三次大分工则是将商人从
在创业中离不开天使投资人。天使强则中国强,天使梦就是中国梦。《少年中国》是梁启超100多年前写下的文章,呼唤中国的崛起。它翻译成英文一定是“Chinese Dream”。现在,每